. Thank you. Entrance to brood nest then past the brood nest to the stores. This is so cool. The average beekeeper cannot move a full 10-frame deep box by themselves. The hive you choose depends on many factors, such as your area's climate. Long hive discussion page. Thank you. 8-frame boxes are generally cheaper than their 10-frame counterparts. Langstroth Hive: The Langstroth hive (pictured below) is the most common style in use today and a favorite for new beekeepers. You hang them about a metre high between two poles. I just picked up a Valkyrie long hive from Vivien. It ultimately comes down to your own preferences. We also recommend doing more research to figure out which hive would work best for you. The Langstroth long hive has essentially the same characteristics as a conventional Langstroth hive, except that the basic shape is more horizontal rather than vertical. The Langstroth hives are bigger, made from polystyrene, and seem overall to be better at keeping the bees throughout the year. Feel free to comment, ask questions, or share your thoughts. In a way, you can say that the Long Langstroth hive has the benefits of a top bar hive, but also the advantage of using standard equipment. (Note: 1 extra deep frame of honey can weigh up to 20 pounds.) Next I ripped the bottom pieces from the shorter half. Free shipping with any Apimaye purchase. However, this price point may balance out because you will need to purchase more boxes for 8-frame hives. Chris. If you want to raise a successful colony, choosing the right equipment is crucial. Drill 1/2 holes on each end of the entrances and then connect them with a router and or jig saw. using the same frames from the Flow Hive also (happily) means that the Valkyrie doesnt need any modification at all; it still supports our original premise Easy for the bees, easier for the beekeeper. Vivien. Just sent you an email, also. Reverend Lorenzo Langstroth designed this hive in 1851. The Langstroth hive just got a facelift. To be fairly precise. Hopefully, we wont have to undergo an impromptu testing but, hey, it just might survive! I thought I would give the one deep experiment a try this summer only to discover bees that were honey bound and overcrowded beyond belief. I understand that the Apimaye would be too expensive for the mega honey producers but it's perfect for the small beekeepers. Author: Christy Hemenway Publisher: New Society Publishers ISBN: 0865717206 Size: 46.15 MB Format: PDF, ePub View: 4640 Get Book Disclaimer: This site does not store any files on its server.We only index and link to content provided by other sites. A long hive often features a lower level with a brood box that is equal in width to two brood boxes on the top level. Well-insulated and ventilated. One of the things it DEFINITELY depends on is your climate. Very economical under $50 in materials. Also, the ladies will winterize the hive themselves, and if you add the Shetland Wool cover to your hive purchaseso much the better as it really brings a higher level of protection in both summer and winter. Pre-drilling the landing board is essential to prevent splitting. There are also more tools available for 10-frame hives because they were the standard for decades. Gable Roof for Horizontal Hives Fits our Long Langstroth Hive model. Because a single hive may require many boxes, the cheaper price point may be right for you. Is there very little rainfall, or quite a lot? Enjoy! terry. Thus we have such names as house fly, blow fly, and robber fly contrasted with dragonfly, caddicefly, and butterfly, because the latter are not flies, just as an aphislion is not a lion and a silverfish is not a fish. But for clarification, I love top and bottom insulation, but in summer I would be wary of a so-called wrapped (or side insulated) hive. Gotta get the girls through winter, but come spring, theres gonna be new houses in our neighborhood. These hives have the same basic structure as conventional Langstroth swarm boxes, but are designed to sit still. The first cut I made was to cut the plywood just over half way, which is the length of the top. Provide a ramp that connects the ground with the hives entrance. In this case, with extra insulation, it may be OK for the colony to overwinter in our area. Cut the two-by-twelve board into four pieces: 44-13/16 (2) and 21-3/8 (2). The legs are cut from the 2x4 at a 45 degree angle to help shed water. In 2020 right before i got cancer and before the pandemic, i purchased all the materials to build and try 3 different styles of horizontal bee hive; langstro. The bees are excellent at regulating temperature, but if hive conditions are quite stable, they will allocate their workforce more economically and expend less energy (honey) in maintaining hive homeostasis. The purpose of insulate materials, like wool or rigid foam, is to create a cavity that the colony isnt always in emergency mode. Revival Woodworks is dedicated to reviving wood to its true beauty. By clicking on these ads, making a purchase, or taking other action, we can earn a little extra money to fund future projects. You can fit more hives in a smaller area of land, perfect for small backyards and smaller beeyards. Personally, I dont have any experience with a long hive, although I have a new Valkyrie and I intend to report my progress and findings as I go through the process. I am still learning and would greatly appreciate any guidance. Some phoretic mites get left on the ramp and many of the sick bees will walk away, refusing to enter. Stability entails economy, and I think this goes for bees as well as plants. My colonies are not confronted with honey badgers, just inquisitive horses. Rigid foam was secured underneath the long hive as an experiment. Bearding to a tight cluster signals the colony is reacting to hive temperature extremes. I dont foresee any problems with your two Swedish Blues, and Im sure youll do well. Twenty-four standard Langstroth deep frames fit in the hive. This makes it impractical for migratory beekeepers who want to fit 4 hives on one pallet, but perfect for backyard beekeepers who want to save their backs. Naomi has found that the wool blanket not only keeps the bees warmer in winter, but temperature readings confirms it keeps the bees cooler in summer as well. How much do they cost? The front rail has an upper entrance, 3" long by 1/4" wide and slanting downward from inside to outside. Two pieces should be 18 inches long and 1 inches wide, and two pieces 16 x 1 inches. Im confident youll enjoy your Valkyrie and all credit goes to Bruce and his craftsmanshipsimple as that. Is there a queen excluder to one side? Very well made and thought out. I made sure to check measurements for my hive before cutting. It's really great for people whose heavy lifting days are behind them and easy to work with for the disabled. While Odin ever-awaited new arrivals, it was the Valkyries who remained vigilant and watchful, presiding over earths battlefields to choose who would be taken aloft. Apply wood glue and attach the top plywood panel. Overall size: 22 inches x 18 inches x 29-1/4 inches (ten-frame version); 22 inches x 15-3/4 inches x 29-1/4 inches (eight-frame version). Very well-thought-out. If you live in a windy climate or often experience stormy weather, it may be more advantageous to use 10-frame hives because they would be less likely to tip over. If you have scrap pieces of larger boards lying around, you can make the landing board larger, up to 10 long by 3-1/2 wide. Apply two coats of primer/sealer, and then one coat of light-colored paint on all exterior surfaces of the hive box, legs, and top. Langstroth hive, the eight frame garden hive, designs for elevated hive stands, the Warre hive, screened bottom board, the Kenya top-bar hive, four-frame observation hive, hive top feeders, and more. They were using foundation in their frames, so they put a drone foundation frame in position #2 and on the outside of the honey stores frames, and the burr-comb just stopped. In a top hive there is very little space . The long walls go between the end walls. Here's my take on a horizontal hive. Think about plant roots in pots, they cop heat from all sides except the bottom. Now offering HiveAlive supplements & patties! The Valkyrie long hive: built with love for bees and their keepers, Best advice: remove wax moth larvae from your comb honey, Under cover of darkness, I watered my neighbors weed, Beehive splits: What they are and how to make them. I might try it so I can start with one hive but get two colonies (as recommended). Im hoping one of the other beekeepers who keeps long hives will chime in here and answer your question. This dado was cut to approximately 5/8 by 1/2. Langstroth's hive's distinctive look comes from the portico, the. Since bees cluster together for warmth, the narrower space helps them focus on moving upward to the honey super for food. Its wonderful to see that you use a foundationless frame (no wires) because thats what we use in our Valkyrie Long Hive. In case you missed it: A Song of the Bees, All rights reserved Honey Bee Suite copyright 2009-2023 by Rusty Burlew. Sponsored. And bonus: the Langstroth peaked roof is 15% off today as part of our Independence day sale!While the telescoping lid has it's advantages, this . It is highly expandable, and each box holds eight to ten frames. As noted above, I now have a website with PayPal! And yes, thats Yarosvet, 5, masterfully performing the task. How livable would our homes be minus insulation and with several windows or doors continuously open? The web stuff takes some time. 8-frame hives are also useful if you want to have multiple hives in a small backyard or want ease of transport. He repeated a long standing experiment from 1943. Im a TBH hobbyist beekeeper and recently saw this blog post about the Valkyrie long hive. Suitable for Africa! They originated in Kenya where bees have a tendency to be more aggressive versus those we have in the United States and Europe. I will keep my other 3 colonies going in traditional Langstroth hives and will be happy to share my experience and comparisons with this new style long hive in the months to come. But I know you (Naomi) dont insulate the sides, so you have a way for excess heat to leave through the relatively thin (compared to top and bottom) side walls. Je serais interesse comme michelle par des plans de votre superbe ruche. However, bees tend to move up before using the two extra frames in 10-frame hives because they instinctively inhabit smaller spaces, such as hollow tree trunks. Thank you so much for contacting us! Wow, very nice, I wish we could buy these in the UK! First, I apply glue to all of the box joints. Just wondering what your take is on the ventilation? Hey Rusty, It is helpful to read the full text of his experimenting on various hive styles and their related heat loss. Installing hinges on the top for ease of opening. One 12 board for the hive body. Minnesota now has a state bee as well as a state insect. In my oven at home, I turn the dial to change the temperature; I dont weld extra steel to the sides, top, or bottom. LT8F - Lazutin Trap 8 Frame $50.00. Looking forward to splitting into this hive and experiencing how it goes. If not, use some construction glue to secure it to the top. This is a building bee hive plan for the warre or vertical top bar bee hive. The Most Advanced Beehive Ergo Series bee hives are our signature 10 frame hives available in the US. Sorry, that\'s all we know. Simple construction a 3-hr project. Once the box is made, its time to use a router and cut the dado in for the bottom. Langstroth Hive Setup The Hive Stand The hive stand is your first step in setting up a Langstroth hive and is one of those pesky decisions you have to make. Thanks for the write up. The cover helps to increase the sense of security and privacy within the hive body. It is well thought-out and well-made. A few weeks ago I was racking my brain to figure out a way to donate a frame of eggs to a friend who was afraid her top-bar had become queenless. Exterior acrylic primer/sealer (1 qt per hive) and light-colored exterior acrylic paint (1 pint per hive); a wide brush. 38 Langstroth, Top Bar, and Warre Hive Plans 1. You will have fewer boxes to purchase and inspect. Sign up to receive promotions and discounts! I just purchased (2) Valkrie hives in Swptember and will install bees in spring of 2020. What a show! I live in Wyoming; it can easily get to -25 in the winter. 8-frame equipment is still in development. History of the Langstroth Hive. Currently my hive stands are standing in cans of oil. Do you sell the blueprints for these hives? We will respond to you very soon. Under the lid is storage that can be used as a frame rest or to hold hive tools. I may have missed this info, but how do you combine hives in a long hive? The insulated hive stand is an optional item. No matter what you choose, be sure to properly prepare your hive for winter and learn how to feed and maintain the hive during the season. Use a chisel to square the corners. Yes, beekeeping is more than insulating a hive, but it has become a good addition to the Valkyrie long hive. Turn the hive body on its side. The first cut is to rip the board at a 15 degree angle on the table saw. It can also hold the Interior Canvas Cover which is included in each hive purchase. The entire hive is disassembled and packed in two boxes for shipping. I would need the address of the nearest port of call to your home location and then I could work up a price of shipping. These hives are heavier because they hold more bee products. High legs mean convenient hive visits and no mice and possums to worry about. Insert the bottom and attach it to the hive body with 1-1/8 deck screws. Disadvantages of a horizontal hive with extra deep frames An important factor is what Langstroth called bee space, this is the gap between combs and other hive parts which gives the bees proper room to work - it is normally a 8 - 10 mm gap. Thank you for any information you can provide. To assemble, I used wood glue and 3 screws to hole the ends together. In my Valkyries, after I had sliced the comb away a few times, and returned it to the colony in a comb-crib its almost as if they were miffed at my interference and just stopped. Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership (SEMAP) Step 15. *You may notice slight variations among different references. Are you in Oregon? ST4D - Swarm Trap 4 Deep (Langstroth medium/deep frame) $30.00. Hoover Hives 10 Frame Langstroth Beehive. Bruce, The Beekeepers Carpenter is a woodworking craftsman, attentive to every detail. The basic Langstroth hive is composed of seven basic parts: hive stand, bottom board, hive body (also known as the brood chamber, brood nest, brood box, and deep box/deep super), queen excluder (optional), honey super (usually a shallow box), inner cover and telescoping outer cover. (Actual board size is 1-1/2 x 11-1/4 x 12. The hinges make the lid easy to open and have been tested against a stiff breeze. They are compatible with the US Langstroth standards so you can use your existing wooden frames and 10 frame boxes on top of our boxes. This website contains affiliate links that are ads recommended to you, that we can earn a small payout on. Do drill pilot holes to prevent board from cracking. Im about to set mine up this coming March and I would like to know how yours are doing so far. Nan. An extra observation window can be ordered for the right side, if desired. That wax or plastic foundation has a pre-determined stamped cell-size, usually worker cell. The insulation will compensate from the extra volume that the bees will have to heat up. The ANEL plastic beehive is Standard Langstroth type (as used in USA, Australia, New Zealand, Greece, etc). The most popular size is the 30 frame with two divider boards built on 2x12 chassis for strength and insulation. The Langstroth hive can be moved easily, which is a huge plus for beekeepers who are new to beekeeping. The second box. It is an ingenious answer to two problems at once. We have a saying in the U.K. that damp kills bees, not cold. However, if weight may be an issue for you, you should consider an 8-frame hive for easy lifting, inspection and honey removal. That's not a problem per se, but Dr. Leo recently posted a new plan for adding a ventilated hood that's more suitable for the warmer summers, yet still allows insulation to be easily added for the . Insulated Plastic Langstroth Bee Hive Boxes Bee Hives Beehive Beekeeping House. Alternatively, use glue if you're sure that the placement of the hive is permanent. Cut rabbets at the corners of the wooden pieces. Take a Class This was a very big deal in 1851 when honey was the primary means of . Please feel free to email me on our company email address: thebeekeeperscarpenter@outlook.com. Every piece was protected from every other with a variety of corners and braces. Rustys reply to your concerns about colony movement and overwintering is the same from me. Winter hive insulation is one of those things that you either believe in, or you don't. And there is no arguing with the fact that the majority of managed bees live in uninsulated wood boxes, even in the frigid north. Before anyone gets the wrong idea, the credit goes to Larry, Naomi, and my husband, Bruce. My favorite part of beekeeping continues to be woodworking. The painted top should last many years. Hive prices start at $480 depending upon the lid you choose and other options. No wonder Jack picked this design for his hive! Many beekeepers prefer to use foundation. But thats my opinion. Thanks in advance. One caveat: if the frames from the Flow Hive are shallow/Western/medium-sized, be sure to harvest them at the first opportunity dont leave them inside the Valkyrie too long or the ladies will draw comb on the bottom bar of the frame. You need to contact Vivien Hight, the business owner. Well be selling prints in the future, but just not at this time. A Valkyrie owner in the Midwest noticed the burr-comb was predominantly drone cells. So overwintering the Valkyrie in a damp environment will be interesting. Surprisingly, pollen tastes bitter, so why do bees love it. Cut a rabbet (3/4 wide by 1/2 deep) along the entire inner perimeter of the hive box. And Naomi and Rusty will bust me for sure for anthropomorphizing if Im not careful. Please keep me posted on any news on these top bar hives. The good news is that the frames used in the flow hive can be placed into the Valkyrie and as soon as theyre full of honey, simply transfer the full frames back into the Flow hive for harvesting. Book Description A guide to an alternative method of keeping bees, shows how to cultivate top bar hives, in a book aimed an those interested in . and then the upper boxes of honey and stores next, IE farther from the entrance. If you have difficulties with the Langstroth configuration or are just looking for a better way to keep your bees, I urge you to have a look at the Valkyrie Long Hive. The standard hinges are durable and long-lasting steel, rust resistant and strong enough to stay open in inclement weather. Colony mitigation to my choices can happen quickly and perhaps without immediate notice from me as their steward. How do you winterize? Be sure to check out winter items for both 8-frame and 10-frame hives before the season begins. It is because of the appropriate hive insulation that the spike or drop in temperature has never been an issue. Rusty, did you drill openings in your end cap roof for ventilation? The Apimaye 10 Frame Langstroth Insulated Beehive is a standard beehive in the Langstroth style. I try not to miss any of your postings. The innovative all-round double layer insulation helps keeping the colony warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Within two weeks of installing my first bees in a Valkyrie, the canvas cover and the inside of the roof were dripping wet and covered with mold. Sounds easy, and it could be done; keeping in mind that the frames would need to be removed and taken to wherever the extractor is set up. This area receives an average of 15 inches of annual precipitation, and experiences temperatures ranging from 105 degrees Fahrenheit to a low of minus 20 degrees (without a wind-chill factor). That being said. I used four 3 screws into each leg. . as the bees are building out the hive, you will want a divider to separate the open area to where the bees are. I think a Valkyrie may be your solution. This is why there's no heavy lifting. If the insulation is not wet, then it is doing its job in allowing the colony to maintain the temperature of their choosing, including high humidity that brings some moisture needed by the bees. Finally, an optional custom-fit stand can be ordered with each Valkyrie: it allows the top of the hive body (not the lid itself) to sit at 30 from grade-level which is perfect for any beekeeper needing to be seated during inspection time, and suited to the height of most adults. Many of you may remember the Valhalla hive from several years ago. Oh, thanks Vivien. The top was glued and screwed together and should be loose fitting enough to allow air to escape and to easily remove and put back on. To cut an entrance, drill a 1/2 hole then use a router with a 1/2 straight bit. Best product and service available for beekeeping. To insulate, or not insulate - that is the question! Below, we compare 10-frame and 8-frame hive designs according to different factors. A special filling material used in the top cover and side walls of Thermo Hives provides thermal insulation, offering a suitable habitat for the colony in different climate conditions. They are screened on the inside to prevent robbing, etc. Other's only use the term for honey collection boxes. I really like the long hives and there are a couple of local people making Langstroth Long Hives near me but they have a flat telescoping roof, 30 frames and they use honey supers on top. Beekeepers are everywhere. The stand can be custom ordered in other heights as needed, or even lowered. I currently use 1-inch foilbacked styrofoam on the hives I have and it seemed to work quit well. To assemble the hive, I used screws to attach the bottom. Im trying to contact Angie Cary, any ideas? Skeps are woven baskets used to house bees. View of the inside. The depth of all these cuts were 3/8 for ease and consistency. The teaching Ive been given points out the most important factor: what size are the cells, and, why are the bees building them? Thanks again for all your wonderful assistance and knowledge. Her email is vivienhight@ymail.com. Langstroth studied countless beehives before coming up with the classic design. The Valkyrie Long Hive on an insulated hive stand. In this video, you will learn how to insulate a 9 5/8 deep brood box, to create a permanently insulated hive which will keep your bees warm in the winter and. Thanks so much for your response on ventilation of the Valkrie hive here in port Angeles. They are definitely heavy duty and seem built to last! Ergo PLUS Single Brood Box Beehive Set $250.00 Ergo PLUS White Single Brood Box Beehive Set $250.00 Feeding can be done adding 3 or 4 frames of honey to the end farthest from the entrance. And these are the plans to craft the hive that Jack built. If you have any questions, please give us a call: 541 771-7278. Is now HiveIQ Pty Ltd. Im not an expert: just guessing, really. Check out the Shetland Wool page on the website that I just added. BeeHappy Within 24 hours the tight cluster had expanded to access their needs on several frames. Isnt it true that some colonies are proplise- or honey-making phenoms? That being said, the wool cover is cut to fit right on top of the canvas inner cover, so the ladies wont really ever come into contact with the wool. Start Learning Ready for a Class? In transferring frames from Langstroth boxes, what order would I place them in? The biggest threat to the hive in the winter is not so . There are more boxes to handle when moving and during honey harvesting. While researching natural beekeeping, I came across the Long Langstroth Hive and plans by Dr. Leo Sharashkin on horizontal hive.com. All our long langs have insulated lids to help the bees maintain their own temperatures in the hot Texas sun or in the dead of winter. Hi Carl: Love to hear from any of your readers who have undertaken this kind of switch. Tilt the table saw 15 and run the landing board strip through it, removing one edge. Based on the pictures, there seems to be more than a 3/8 inch space between the top of the slatted rack and the bottom of the frames. However, I have worked with top-bar hives for about ten yearsone of my own and many as a volunteer at a prison. So they can bee 2, 3, or 4 boxes long. Great article. Product Description. One of Naomis hives showing the woolen insulating blanket. Thank you so much, Adrienne, for your kind remarks! There was a similar one with carved images of honey bees on the exterior at EAS. These hives also fit in smaller spaces, which is convenient for small backyards and beeyards. You can extend its life by covering it with a piece of aluminum flashing, 24 wide by 50-7/16 long. I dont know if I could afford it but I might just want to get rid of my Langstroth hive! This is what I use: Building instructions Although they are beneficial insects, they are not native to North America. The hive you choose depends on many factors, such as your area's climate. Lay flashing flat; center the top on it; score the perimeter with a utility knife; cut out flashing corners; fold the flaps, tapping with a mallet or woodblock; secure flashing to tops sides using a manual staple gun with 3/8 staples. Please note: some beeks have been very creative with modifications to the Valkyrie, after purchase and assembly. This one is a 2 box combo: http://bwrangler.litarium.com/combo-long-hive/ Both varroa drawers and screens remove for easy cleaning. Perhaps his complied resources (encourage you to read originals) will help you understand the Valkyries continuous use of the wool. With theR value 6.93, Apimaye Thermo Bee Hives are more than6 times more heat insulatingthan wooden hives. If the board is slightly cupped, the concave side should look inside.). The year-round wool insulation above the canvas cover completes the intended function of the Valkyrie. These are applicable to the Valkyrie Long Hive, and I cant speak for other horizontal hives. It fits 31 standard deep frames. I thought they did not like wool? I am a little worried about too much heat in the summer. Step 13. I would have gone out and measured if it wasnt raining buckets. Nancy, Step 4. It has been developed from the Langstroth, but it is longer. If the long Langstroth has honey supers on top, then youre still needing to lift a pretty hefty weight once the frames are full of honey, right? In comparison, a 10-frame box can weight up to 80 lbs. The brick insulation inside the stand helps prevent heat loss from the bottom as well as helping prevent the cold/heat from the ground from traveling upward into the colony BUT theres still plenty of air flow. I LIVE IN PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON 98362. It costs under $50 in materials and only takes a few hours to build. Thanks for contacting us with your comments and questions. Id like to get a group together to compare notes on using the Valkyrie and trade management ideas. A really cool option to this hive is the insulated hive stand. As the manager of the colony, I need to find out why and go from there. The Valhalla hive was unique in many ways, including the fact it used standard Langstroth frames. The canvas cover keeps the bees calm while working them. The space above the rack allows a great view through the observation window. The hive is well-sealed, well-insulated, and well-ventilated, creating an environment where many of the risk factors affecting bees are greatly . You also place a piece of pink insulation in the top ventilation box to help with moisture. Thanks for contacting us, and for your question. Page upward on this blog where there is an excellent answer to your placement question.