It has been recommended that I have the book professionally edited and I was wondering if I could ask you for a good editorial recommendation. There is no standalone study guide, but the current edition has study and discussion questions included in the back. while also editing The Student Bible. As you say, some who find this offensive dont read my writings at all. I now view politics and religion cynically as a tool to maneuver people to an end that benefits their personal goals, not goals of a God whom might think differently. I live in Zimbabwe. Growing up in a strict, fundamentalist church in the southern USA, a young Philip Yancey tended to view God as a scowling Supercop, searching for anyone who might be having a good timein order to squash them. Yancey jokes today about being in recovery from a toxic church. None for a few years, but I saw them for so long that I do believe in them. Instead of worshipper I became a critic. Only the fit survive. I apologize for putting you to this much trouble. Not that I feel capable of teaching on the subject, but that I feel guys need to know more about this. (Its also mentioned again in 1 John 4:21). He has picked those whom HE wants. Former president Jimmy Carter has called Yancey "my favorite modern author".[9]. Im just repeating what the Polish nanny said who looked at my book and said it translates Disappointment with Mold. Philip. This is what God himself apparently says since mathematics is the magic behind physics and the Word himself (Jesus, the second person of the Trinity) is the spirit of mathematics. Philip Yancey May 20, 1996. I enjoy getting your monthly newsletter as well. Rev. In the short book Church: Why Bother? Pierre Allard with the CSC Commissioner office knew me well and publicly acknowledged me for me excellent work as a Prison Chaplain later said he was sorry he did not keep an eye on what Rev John Tonks and Revd Chris Carr were doing reguarding my 5 year contract, he would not have let them play the games they were playng. Thanks for your blogs in the meantime. I was lying on the floor of my daughters bedroom, trying to coax her to sleep (kids mental health has really suffered in this ordeal) while a million problems raced through my mind. I was deeply moved and encouraged by these books and grateful thanking God for the profound and challenging thoughts I have read. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, Look at that, you son of a bitch. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14, I really believe that if the political leaders of the world could see their planet from a distance of 100,000 miles their outlook could be fundamentally changed. Thanks for your kind words. Herbert Spencer and others created Social Darwinism and caused a huge amount of suffering. Thank you for your words. An English degree maybe? I am an older mom that has pursued a very task-oriented career for most of my life in order to pay the bills and keep the household running. You should be flatteredvery few writers get contacted by a publisher! To understand the definition of forgiveness, does the reference of your book, which is called Forgive and Forget written by body found in milford, ct . As a result, much of the food was thrown away, and because of lockdowns there was no feast. Did not one parent pray before their child left for school, God protect my child? Did not one child themselves pray, God protect me? How can you possibly say to a Newtown parent, Yes! Can you recommend reading that will help with right relationships with others? U gave me more questions. Thank you for being my friend these many years. I wrote Disappointment with God exactly for people going through the kinds of challenges you describe. And I ask, as a parent do you do everything your child wants you to? Then one day, taking a flight on a small regional jet, we encountered the worst turbulence I had experienced in 60 years of flying. The question can basically be summed up as, How can a reflective Christian remain sane while holding an orthodox view of Hell?. You shared how you have learned to not even try to address the why questions but try to help people to see that God does care about us in our suffering. The Participants Guide is tied directly in to the video, week by week. Blessings to you always. Above all, I dont feel so alone. I guess I tilt in their favor because that is my background, and also my callingto reach those wounded by the church. Thats quite a balance to keep! I think if you heard Judaism explained by a Reform rabbi, you would have a very different understanding of Judaism. A class in writing here and there can help, yes, though I wouldnt necessarily plunge into an English degree; these days what you learn in university doesnt always translate easily into popular communication. It was not that big an issue. Your book Disappointment with God is the reason I found God in my life. Congratulations. ." If one used the Lords name in vain they were doomed for eternity. I cry all the time lately. I tried consoling her, but I struggle with doubts and am not the best at reassurance these days. We are just about the same age, which I was amazed to see. I simply could not look the other way when I saw this happening. God bless you! Thanks again, I look forward to your new work. With kind regards Alison Veness, I do indeed get to U.K. now and then, so watch my Facebook site. I would like to read the book on Job written by Richard. Anyway, I was wondering if in the future you would write something about mental illness. Tubalcain was about the 6th generation from Adam, so you could roughly add another 500 years to make the age of Adam 5000 years ago. Immediately after graduating from college I was licensed by the Church Army of Canada. To find his books, click []. I wish in my heart that I would have had a chance to see you talk when you visited here. (Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Austrian visual artist/painter, 1928-2000) I began my journey back mainly by encountering a world very different than I had been taught, an expansive world of beauty and goodness. I hope to hear from you. I know my books are in Indonesia, both in English and many in Indonesian language. Bestselling author Philip Yancey, author of Where the Light Fell, recounts his unexpected path from strict fundamentalism to a life of compassion and grace. But its JESUS! May you know the God of all comfort, worthy of trust even in those things we cannot comprehend. Its one thing to outwardly portray stoicism; its quite another to face daily the doubts and second guessing. Hi Phil I remember reading Job and this began to open my heart. Anyhow, it would be interesting if you were to write a blog on this topic. Philip. I do not remember now for which publication. It is difficult not to have the impression its re-emergence in our lives was divinely orchestrated. Phil goes on to quote Isaiahs take on a child who would be called Wonderful counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, [who] would someday restore justice to the Earth. This, of course, begs the question, When Phil? This past week I told a friend about the terrible living conditions and wishing we could do more. He has family values and has a record of integrity. I walked the streets on Montreal for days searching for the Taxi driver and finally found him and my documents which he had not handed in . I am a 38 year old video game developer. You inspire me to keep reaching, keep searching, and keep writing. He was then resurrected. I continued to serve those under my care and enhanced the chaplaincy services there [4]. And by the way Philip, the atrocious mathematics of grace was a lovely title to try and explain the explainable I should know because I am an engineer who knows a thing or two about math and, I must say it, anyone who wrote to you with those negative comments, quite frankly, may have missed the point of the gospel entirely!! When this therapy failed, I was blamed, shamed and rejected by the groups that applied it to me. I now work in mens residential Christian Rehabilitation center in Scotland (see website address). The situation got so bad that I took it to AWI Brad Sass and to Brian Harder. God bless you and Patty. Im Korean living in Florida. I began to teach Sunday School and lead Wednesday night prayer and study meetings, meanwhile preparing sermons. Im reading through Reaching for an Invisible God, savoring it by only reading a few pages a day and really considering what you say and it occurred to me that I ought to be praying for this man who has, along with John Stott, been such a constant spiritual guide for me in the mornings when I pray & study the Bible. Thank you again. This is probably not the book to take along to a spiritual retreat for discussion, mainly because it is far too raw and honest. The Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago and life has changed through the ages. Back in 2007, I decided to put myself out there and finally answer what I believed to be Gods call on my life to be a worship pastor. I said no and left . They dismissed my story as a fabrication. But when it came time for me to return,they ignored my plea and left me stranded in the USA with no money and no place to go,the British and German Embassy would not help me. Philip Yancey's two dozen books exploring pain, doubt, grace and hope have sold 17 million copies, bringing comfort to readers wrestling with various crises of faith. I said, of course, Jesus loves you. Philip. To be honest I am, by personality and church background, a legalist, and for much of my life I have lived with a conception of God as a kind of stern parent or teacher who keeps a ledger of all my successes and failures. Philip. I try to write honestly about my experiences, and you should know that just because I tell a scene does not mean I approve of it: for example, I agree with you about my brothers cynical attitude and didnt write that scene in an approving way. There are many of them in the crumbling part of town where I live. Is that all i can do? but i couldnt get any satisfactory answer or answer which solve my curiosity. I am so glad to see that there are others walking the same path as myself. I was soon to find out that, just like Threshold Ministries, the care facility did not abide by this order either. Be blessed, sir! I recently read, He responded by screaming at me, Leave my things alone! A big hug in return. I found out later that Pauls brother Marc had attended Prairie Bible College in Three Hills, Alberta, some 30 years earlier. 2 years later, I met someone who was a catholic, which sparked off a new found interest in reading about church history, and understanding the theological differences that catholics hold. "His openness and transparency are appealing, and he writes with love.". Its a small book but hopefully the big idea comes through. Jacob lived about as long as John Claypools daughter, and I may have recommended at the time his fine little book, Tracks of a Fellow Struggler. Theres a good chance I adapted it from something I heard from someone else! I have asked for an apology so many times. I have read and now am re-reading with my 19 yr. old daughter, Disappointment with God. We are a fellowship of Christian men who are struggling with lust, in one form or another. Your book is helping me recover for that. How then did Christian doctrine evolve into such complexity? It is fascinating to explore as I continue to write. I cant see it. I loudly object to Phils line of thinking. A few days later he came back to tell me that the book I had given him was awesome. This weekend to come I anticipate having the privilege of speaking at a small church Christian womens retreat and my kick-off question is Do you see God working through all of the prayers He hasnt answered the way you would have wanted? So most likely you are the person who built that foundation in my life. You can't go wrong with these two contributors. I dont want to spread the stereotype that all gay people are into whips.) I still Go to it from time to time. Already on edge because of Pauls warnings, I asked if he wanted me to resign. I have only just stumbled upon your beautiful library of books and would like to purchase the paperback version of an earlier book, The Question That Never Goes Away: Why? I have checked all book sellers (; Barnes & Noble; and Amazon but could not find it. The fact that youre asking the question indicates youre well on the way to health. Philip. Your books have been so valuable to our family; especially my husband who has read some over again. You are indeed a Gift: of honesty and humility. Near the end of the book, Phil quotes a pastor speaking after a school shooting which killed 17 in Scotland. In my 34 year career in the Fire Service, Ive heard it countless times: Thank God for protecting me in this crash. On reflection later at the firehouse washing blood off my hands and face, it always occurs to me: how egotistical, conceited and exclusionary this statement really is. I was a scrawny little thing. "Of course, there were good qualities too. Some readers may recoil at Yancey's need to revisit old wounds again and again, but this book will speak to a wide range of Christians whose experience with the church has been, at least at some point, unhealthy. So these are harsh days. I tried to reason with him concerning Bridges, but kept quiet about my faith. Just after the evaluation team left, the chapel was sealed off to have asbestos removed and to have a new carpet put down. So, thank you so much, Mr. Yancey. Sincerely, Dwight. Philip. Most of the credit for his success must surely go to his wife Janet. Maybe? My heart swells here with my people and God has a special calling for us. I already have these: Monty and Frank sided with Threshold Ministries, and from that point on refused to communicate any more with me. Mr. Yancey: Thank you for all the writing you have done and your willingness to share your own struggles and doubts with those of us who read your books. Good luck! Why does your book not acknowledge that kind of pain? A few days later as I was out for my morning walk on my hill, I saw in the early dawn light (!) For me, there are two principles to keep in mind. My refusal to keep quiet about the sexual abuse among church leaders also caused a deterioration of my relationship with my employer, Threshold Ministries. As it is almost Christmas at the time of my posting this, I hope you and your Family have a wonderful Season. As a Christian I must lean in and listen; I must embrace and include. Acting as a Chosen one Pontificating his religious spirits secularism views! By experiencing a little bit of what He went through, I think it can really teach us something. They pass on ugly rumors and they gossip about things that are all stirred up at church, of all places! I dont know when a person begins to feel like a real writer, or that something he (or she) has to say might do a stranger good instead of harm. But as I was adding a list of favorite places to that site today I ended up here and remembered that you had gone before me. Philip. Im still cringing all these years later!! I hope you keep on writing. Within weeks the Lord had me to get sober in AA in Los Angeles. It whole heartedly does make a difference! As a political party member I can vent and debate, mock and obfuscate others policies. the way Jesus demonstrated a different way if being human. He would tell Chaplain Paul that some of the inmates Rabbi Ari had said were Jewish were actually not Jewish. No one has influenced me more, he says. You were endeavoring to point to Gods love and care for his children. Ive been thinking about how that affects my relationship with God. Thank you for your existence..!!! Ive never understood the difference between Evangelical Christians and just plain Christians. Oh God this is too hard, and Im too alone, and the world is making me feel like a helpless baby. Occasionally, the why question tries to bubble up but we try to let it evaporate. I didnt feel like a giant. And maybe even blushing a little too. When I tried ordering from Amazon, the provider says there are several used copies; however, when you click on this tab, you are re-directed to a similar book, The Question That Never Goes Away: What is God Up to in a World of such Tragedy and Pain? I asked the guard at the main control station outside the chapel about this, and he told me he had no idea what happened to it. Im sorry for what youre going through. It is rampant. I could not speak to any male as they arranged a plane ticked back to YWAM LA I was treated shamfully and illegally . thanks for sharing, I didnt read all of the responses above mine, so I hope Im not repeating someone before me. Take care! If Dawkins was ever able to read Role Reversal what might then result? Salutations. Thank you again for writing this books all those years ago. We went to the chapel and to my office, and Mrs. Cunningham introduced me to Paul Vanderham, the other chaplain. In 2010 Bishop Dorrington of the REC was cruel beyond words ,never have I met such a cruel man in my life,he tortured me emotionally until he broke me. For the most part I have learned to live with this black dog. Undergraduate and Graduate programs available today! I will try to learn from your comments, and thank you for doing the biblical and honorable thing by writing me directly. That they respond to you is proof that you are following in his steps. We desperately need people to speak some spiritual sanity here. Actually some species cooperate or stay as they are for millions of years flying in the face of evolution. It should be compulsory reading for Christians to learn how not to be full of ungrace, how it saddens me when I hear harsh words spoken of others by those in debt to the Grace of God.