They did not, indicating that NDEs happen to the dying. She remembered who I was from the night before, he tells me. The earth is a great processor of energy, and individual consciousness evolves out of that into each one of us. So dreams are important. About three months later a friend said I should get tested, so I went and got the scans and so forth. Lauren Vinopal is a writer and stand-up comedian based out of New York City, who writes mostly about health, science and men. You do not have to die to do this. The Light kept changing into different figures, like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, mandalas, archetypal images and signs. vision of mankinds future for the next 400 years. I was astounded by this. That is why God knows even when a leaf falls. Science demands verifiable evidence which can be reproduced again and again under experimental situations. Mellen is featured in Deepak's book, Life After If you were a Buddhist or Catholic or Fundamentalist, you get a feedback loop of your own stuff. And given the profound impact they can have on people who survive them, just the opposite may be true of their psychological health. I realized that the boundary between life and death is a strange creation of our own mind, very real (from the side of the living), and yet insignificant.. In 1973, they began to conduct plant and human consciousness research on the Backster Effect. The product culminated in a final report called Organic Biofield Sensor by H. E. Puthoff and R. Fontes. Nations like France, Germany and China each have their own personality. After suffering from a terminal illness, You always will. Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D., ( is an American medical doctor who specializes in pediatrics. By 2008, he had a chain of five sunbed shops in Manchester, which he tells everyone who will listen. The Afterlife, Light Healing, Reincarnation (115 mins)3. }); But no one seemed to pay attention to it. One child said it best when she said while they were sticking me with needles and stuff, I was safe with God. Cities have personalities, their local group souls that attract certain people. We are directly connected to the Source. For each and every one of us to be the human part of this experience is awesome, and magnificent. It is important, because we are the caring beings. While a Fellow for the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Morse was working in a clinic in Pocatello, Idaho. I found the ancient ones to be more interesting, like the Native American ones, the Happy Hunting Grounds. So I started reading on various religions and philosophies. In 1982 I died from terminal cancer. As wild as that may sound, its been documented many times over. As I saw forever, I came to a realm in which there is a point where we pass all knowledge and begin creating the next fractal, the next level. Since his near-death experience, Mellen-Thomas Earth is in the process of domesticating itself. He and his colleagues at Seattle Childrens Hospital designed and implemented the first prospective study of NDEs, with age and sex matched controls. Before that I was really judgmental. sugar glider rescue oregon > land rover discovery sport panoramic roof replacement > mel benidorm near death experience. It took the frantic transplant team three more hours to revive her. I asked God: What is the best religion on the planet? I just knew that I would. through several realms of consciousness and beyond the mel benidorm near death experience - Welcome To Shifa Al Sultan Quality matters the most when choosing your medical center. I remember waking up one morning at home about 4:30 am and I just knew that this was it. I am still speechless about this. I went through the reincarnation process expecting to be a baby somewhere. He has published numerous scientific articles in medical journals over the course of his thirty-year career. Alshifa .com| Dear friends and fans of my light inventions. So, since I did not have a spiritual basis, I began to believe that nature had made a mistake, and that we were probably a cancerous organism on the planet. All energy this side of the Big Bang is light. One of my questions to the light was, What is heaven?. Each and every one of us, no matter where we are, screwed up or not, is a blessing to the planet, right where we are. Wherever any atom is, that is the center of the universe. Lindsay Babich of the Art of Living Well Interviews Mellen-Thomas Benedict, Mellen-Thomas Benedict Amends 1982 Interview With P. M. H. Atwater, Credibility of Mellen-Thomas Benedicts NDE Testimony, YouTube Videos About Mellen-Thomas Benedict1. He compared them to 131 children who were also quite ill, in the intensive care unit, mechanically ventilated, treated with drugs such as morphine, Valium and anesthetic agents, and often had a lack of oxygen to the brain, BUT, they were not near-death. Larry King interviewed Morse in 2010. mel benidorm near death experience - For supporting this podcast, Subscribers will now get new content 30 days in advance of the public. Look here for God. We dont really go to heaven; we are reprocessed. The conventional medical explanation is that these are not real perceptions but rather hallucinations caused by the short circuiting of a dying brain. For example, we can place hidden targets in hospital rooms where people are likely to have cardiac arrests, to see whether those who later claim to have left their bodies can describe those targets., In everyday life, our brain plays a very necessary role in our thoughts, feelings and perceptions. The earths Wonder child (human beings) make an abundance of sound right now, like children playing in the backyard of the universe. I have documented dozens of such stories, but they will not convince any skeptic of the reality of near-death experiences. For more than fifteen years, Dr. Melvin Morse, a practicing pediatrician and renowned researcher, has studied the NDEs of hundreds of children. suzuki sidekick for sale arizona. Atwater. It is a blessing beyond our wildest estimation of what blessing can be. So everything is alive. I was not into any kind of spirituality at the time, but I began a journey into learning about spirituality and alternative healing. Dr. Morse is also heads The Institute for the Scientific Study of Consciousness ( As I began my return to the life cycle, it never crossed my mind, nor was I told during my near-death experience that I would return to the same body. Surprised and skeptical, he noted that she was unconscious and that wasnt possible. Journey Through the Light and Back. I would like to talk to you before I go. He also found that they often could not wear watches as they would mysteriously break, and often had electrical conduction problems such as shorting out lap top computers and erasing credit cards. She was able to communicate telepathically with her son-in-law, when she seemed comatose and he asleep. At faster than light speed, I flew through the center of the galaxy, absorbing more knowledge as I went. She is the host of the Mid Riff Comedy Show in Brooklyn, a frequent podcast guest all over, and lives the life of a teen who looks like they havent slept in years. In 2012, Morse was charged with child endangerment based on allegations made by his 11-year-old step-daughter. Curious about the universe, he was taken far into the remote depths of existence, and even beyond into the energetic void of nothingness behind the universe. I stood at the annihilation point, a bright orange light. As I felt my mind transported back to my body, I thought, please let me remember this new theory of relativity. I asked what this was. He had been on the original team in Toronto at the time of the patient's death. Bruce Greyson, among the pioneering researchers to investigate near-death experiences, describes the profound and long-lasting effects that such encounters can have for the people who live through them. Her family was only told in the morning that her operation was a success, without other details. has maintained his direct access to Universal Intelligence, Angels, devils, UFOs, and God now seem less like fairy tales and more likely to be perceptions of conscious beings in other realities predicted by modern science. Knowing that maybe we can blow up the planet fifty times, or 500 times, we finally realize that maybe we are all here together now. Increasingly, studies suggest that life has a pattern and innate meaning beyond what we, as human beings, impose on it. He then completed the Seattle Study, a long term follow-up of children who had an NDE and documented their transformation as adults. He wrote up her case for the American Medical Associations Pediatric Journal as a fascinoma, meaning a strange yet interesting case and returned to cancer research. The animals have a group soul, and they reincarnate in group souls. Dr. Melvin Morse's Near-Death Experience Research She saw my confusion and then told me details about my conversation with her roommate, including seeing the stain on my tie.. We are actually going to see the wisdom of life and death, and enjoy it. One of the names given to him was Cleve Backster. After having his NDE, Benedict tracked him down. As it is now, we have already been alive forever. For example, one young boy told him the god took me in his hands and kept me safe while medics were frantically trying to revived his body after a near drowning. So I said/felt, Please wait. Michael Sabom, an Atlanta cardiologist, found that 43% of cardiac arrest patients had NDEs. I rode the stream of consciousness back through all of creation, and what a ride it was! The Light responded: This is the RIVER OF LIFE. depth of feeling and passion for life is a gift to be That is what led me into my death. I came back loving every single problem. Atwater is the one who introduced Benedict to the near-death community. I had complete trust in the Light and the Life process. So ask your questions, do your searching. When Greyson and his team began publishing research on NDEs in the early 1980s, they were met with skepticism, and he understood why. Now I look at every human being that I ever see, and I see a soul mate, my soul mate, the one I have always been looking for. d. Is there a type of person who can communicate with this universal memory bank more easily than the rest of us? Morse has appeared on many talk show and television programs to discuss his extensive research on near-death experiences in children. Many modern scientists no longer believe in a randomly generated universe from some sort of primal dust. I passed through the center of our galaxy, which is a black hole. What distorts people is a lack of love. I want to think about this; I would like to talk to you before I go. To my surprise, the entire experience halted at that point. He was called to revive a young girl who nearly died in a community swimming pool. Near-death experiences have the power to become a cultural ice breaker with a resulting healing of our societal fear of death. We only have to listen to them to understand them. Morse studied over 100 control children who were also treated with medications, had a lack of oxygen to their brain, were intubated and mechanically ventilated in the scary intensive care unit, and who also thought they were going to death. They almost always describe it as a pleasant, if not blissful, experience, Greyson says. Within three days I was feeling normal again, clearer, yet different than I had ever felt in my life. But just being born a human, whether deformed or genius, shows that you are on the path to developing an individual consciousness. That is what killed me. What all people seek, what sustains them, is love, the Light told me. One of the things that I saw is that we humans are a speck on a planet that is a speck in a galaxy that is a speck. The Light explained to me that there is no death; we are immortal beings. Miraculously, Benedict returned to his body with a complete remission of the disease. I can attest that his case is genuine and his claims about the brain tumor and the conditions of his death are true. So that is what was being fed back to me during my life after death experience. Benedict was a talented artist, author, musician, and inventor; in short, a true renaissance man. Benedict continued detailing his experience with, perhaps, his most controversial claim that he was given special insight into the future, claiming that the Light (God) gave him a list of names of individuals that would change the course of humankind through their research, inventions, etc. Building on the controversial theory that memory may actually be stored outside the brain, he suggests that the right temporal lobe acts not as a computer for our individual minds, but as a transmitter and receiver of the universal mind and that we can actually learn to stimulate this part of our brains in a number of ways besides near-death or active dying. I was so surprised when I opened my eyes from my near death experience. As the Light revealed itself to me, I became aware that what I was really seeing was our Higher Self matrix. I was given answers to all those little questions I had: How does this work? The center of the Earth is this great transmuter of energy, just as you see in pictures of our Earths magnetic field. Be careful what your world view is. Benidorm star Geoffrey Hutchings has died suddenly aged 71. The body is the most magnificent light being there is. Yale University Pediatric Cancer specialist Dr. Diane Komp reports that many dying children have near-death experiences, without evidence of brain dysfunction. They said that mystical realities opened before them in the tunnels. It is alluring; you want to go to it like you would want to go to your ideal mothers or fathers arms. I was given six to eight months to live. We are literally God exploring Gods self in an infinite Dance of Life. When I told my Mom about it, I told her it was a noodle, but it must have been a tunnel, because it had a rainbow in it. My body was stiff and inflexible. That is the next level of spiritual awareness. They called her son-in-law with the good news. Olaf felt he was floating in a universe with no boundaries. I truly was a Wonder Child; a babe in Wonderland! I had total comprehension of everything. There is clearly a sense of a persistence of consciousness after the death of the body. NDEs can occur in very young children, too little to have a fear of death to react to, infants who have no internal defense mechanisms against the concept of death. Morse draws upon scientific NDE research as a counseling tool for grief counseling and to transform lives. Modern science has begun to study this space between everything. experience story known to date. The challenge, he says, is to learn how to integrate the rational (left) and spiritual (right) sides of our brains. Mel Has a Near Death Experience in The Pool! The super clusters of galaxies with all their ancient wisdom flew by. Concerning the validity of Benedicts testimony, P.M.H. He was eating dinner when he got paged about a patient who had overdosed and, in a rush, spilled some spaghetti sauce on his tie. As I began to move toward the Light, I knew intuitively that if I went to the Light, I would be dead. So what we are doing is learning to hold hands, to come together. Furthermore, if near-death experiences are real, then a entire class of currently trivialized spiritual visions such as after-death communications, shared dying experiences and premonitions of death are most likely also real. Individual identity is evolving like branches of a fractal; the group soul explores in our individuality. The climbers reported being out of their physical body, seeing heaven, having life reviews, and even hearing the impact of their bodies hitting the ground. He has participated in studies of a major university where he contributed to understanding the structure of genes and chromosome coding for a genetic disease, while researchers puzzled over how he could have access to this information. Dr. Kenneth Ring. Black holes are the great processors or recyclers of the Universe. Geoffrey Hutchings: Veteran character actor who portrayed Sid James on Greyson broke the news to the patients roommate in the waiting room, while removing his coat in the sweltering summer heat, revealing the stain. Such stories have been similarly well documented for over 100 years. A deer is pretty much going to be a deer forever. From. Mel Has a Near Death Experience in The Pool! | #Shorts | Benidorm What mystics call the Void is not a void. Mel is as rude as Madge, and is at first somewhat ridiculed by the Garvey family, although it is later proven that Mel will do anything for his family. I went through them. When its put like that, death doesnt sound so scary after all. We must stop trivializing and dismissing death related visions as hallucinations of a dysfunctional brain, and start to understand that they are a normal aspect of the human experience. Such visions, dreams, and intuitions have enormous power to heal. They call it Zero point. Mel Has a Near Death Experience in The Pool! | #Shorts | Benidorm Isnt that going to be wonderful? Then I awakened and saw the light outside. Everything is made from the Light of God; everything is very intelligent. gifted with access to Universal Intelligence. And it was the little dreamer who came up with the best answer ever. German psychiatrist Michael Schroeter, in his extensive review of all published near-death research states there is no reason to believe that NDEs are the result of psychiatric pathology or brain dysfunction. And that is very important to the rest of us in this Universe. He is currently working with parent bereavement groups to learn how to best use spiritual visions to help to heal grief. She said that the girl floated out of her body, suffered no pain, and entered into heaven. I realized that WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN SAVED, and we saved ourselves because we were designed to self-correct like the rest of Gods universe. Ultimate Godhead does not care if you are Protestant, Buddhist, or whatever. It can feed back on you, especially if it is a negative world view. I thanked the Light of God with all my heart. But was it real? It is childlike. So is every other form of life, from mountains to every leaf on every tree. He brings back a message of hope and inspiration His claim of surviving a near-death experience in 1982 has been widely publicized on TV and within dozens of articles and books by both acclaimed physicians and scientists, along with self-aggrandized ghost hunters and paranormal investigators, all looking to cash in on his incredible tale of dying for over an hour and a half, during that time Benedict has discovered how living cells can respond very quickly to light stimulation resulting in, among other things, high speed healing. But human beings are already legendary throughout the cosmos of consciousness. Theres a sense of leaving the body and watching the efforts to revive them, reviewing their lives in great detail, encountering deceased loved ones or spiritual beings and finally coming to a border or point-of-no-return, with a decision to return to life., As a psychiatrist, the more compelling feature of NDEs isnt the experience itself, but instead the profound and long-lasting effects on experiencers attitudes, beliefs, values and behavior. People who have them stop fearing death and walk away with a firm belief that consciousness continues beyond death.. Welcome to SHIFA AL SULTAN HEALTH CARE CENTER, our site holds a wealth of information about the services and programs we offer for our regional community as well as general health news, a provider listing and career opportunities. Suddenly I seemed to be rocketing away from the planet on this stream of Life. What a rush! going back to the Big Bang and beyond." i. With atomic colliders they are not only seeing what is in here, but they are creating particles. -Mellen-Thomas, "Mellen is I really want to know the reality of the situation. I cannot really say the exact words, because it was sort of telepathy. All humans are connected as one being.. Families have group souls. If you are a Buddhist or Catholic or Fundamentalist, you get a feedback loop of your own images. mel benidorm near death experience. Near-death experiences involve the perception of another reality superimposed over this one. mel benidorm near death experience. | #Shorts | Benidorm | All Brit| All Brit @AllBritishComedy Subscribe 52 Dislike 2 Share Would You Fly To Paris For A Baguette? The different questions that each of us has are very, very important. There are not the distortions of time, place, body image and disorientations seen in drug induced experiences. To drink of life Itself! I said, Are you the angel of death?. Life in a Prison and Near-Death Experiences (44 mins)4. This was the day I was going to die. This enables him to be a bridge between science and spirit and allows him to develop new technologies for health and wellness. Then I was taken back through the Light into the vibratory realm again. You will love everything out of that.