I told them there is a problem if they are not getting their mail. I see a lot of people have more courage than me. [12] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/Fertility.pdf. They haven't gone so far as to threaten, but I can sense that their tone is getting more firm. Apr 15 -- The Census Bureau invites comments to OMB by May 16, 2022 on the three-year extension of the American Community Survey and the Puerto Rico Community Survey. Pericles, 460BC. The last thing the execs at the Census Bureau want to see is a video of one of their "enumerators" on YouTube, the Six O'clock News, or in Congress or a courtroom harassing and threatening a citizen/voter with a big fine or jail time if that person refuses to give out the personal details of his life to a perfect stranger. When he refused, the employee turned up twice unannounced at my apartment, demanding entry, and warning me of the fines I would face if I didn't cooperate.[35] Only after he filed a complaint with the Census Bureau did the agency realize he had actually completed the survey, thus ending its attempts to enter his home. After the first couple of letters I received I started getting harassing phone calls from them. The court agreed with the defendants contention that courts have consistently considered unripe for review cases wherein there was no specific threat of enforcement or history of prosecution under the relevant statutes.. So I stand up to them and say NO, you don't need my private information in order to serve me better! [27] Andrew Reamer, To Take a Bite Out of Crime: Safeguard the Census, https://www.brookings.edu/opinions/to-take-a-bite-out-of-crime-safeguard-the-census/. I was just contacted by a representative for the Census Bureau at my home and asked to answer his questions. Its about an obnoxiously intrusive survey, based on a lie about fire stations and such, done in a not so anonymous manner, by people who are often temporary workers and thus lack accountability for the privacy of the information they take. Currently, Oscar is a 7-year-old boy with ODD whose refusal behaviors have begun to be both verbally aggressive and physically violent. Correction, now it's been a total of seven times. It is just such a sick country now. We do not live in 1930's Germany but you sure can't tell by reading the questions on this form. Keep being sheep. I wish I would have kept the census person's name. so no more. You aren't getting mine! The census worker also tried to "bait" me into giving false answers by saying "just answer the question anyway you like even if it's not true." I will fill in my name, address, and very few pieces of information. I won't either. So many people are in a snit just because the word "enumerator" makes them mad. If he shows up, he'll get the same response (or none at all). I just get to pay more taxes for their tax free gain and it just is not fair. It is so obvious that the same person keeps responding over and over here. The 24-page survey, which can be found on the Bureau's website, is sent out to about 2.5% of the American population to collect statistical information for city planning. City Manager; Commissioner of the Revenue I contacted an attorney's office on my questions and objections to see if they were valid and what the legal interpretation was of the constitution and the US code. This scared him and on top of that, he did not know most of the answers to the questions. In the case of direct taxes (a direct tax is a tax on property based on ownership), this provision requires Congress to apportion the tax among the individual States based on population. I just received the ACS survey and will not be sending it in. If this money is government funding for schools, street or seating representatives then why are so many teachers being laid off, why are the streets so damaged and incomplete. If the federal government had been granted the general power to make inquires into the private affairs of the American people through the Census or a congressional mandated survey, then the Supreme Court could not have made this ruling. anon88369: Census enumerators have every right to walk onto your property if they are assigned to do a questionnaire for your address. Give me one reason I should trust my government. Whose damn business is it if I own my house and whether I have a mortgage? I had the misfortune of getting an ACS survey a few years ago. Of course, I had no clothes on, not expecting a peeping tom to be looking out of the woods in the first place. Remember Germany. 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) Census region x Metro/Non-metro 2020 CPS March Supplement Volunteerism 2021 American Trends Panel Annual Profile Survey/2019 CPS Volunteering & Civic Life Supplement . What I want to know for sure is: Can they make, force, and punish you for not filling out this thing? [18] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/MortgageSMOC.pdf. The only thing is, I lied my butt off! I am sure that will go far. We got our second ACS in the mail along with a follow up postcard. I have written both my senators, Warner and Webb of Virginia, and stated my refusal to comply with the ACS. The Rutherford Institute stands ready to defend your rights if they are violated by the government. As one responder put it, if you only want to know the number of people, then what does race have to do with it? [4] After a decennial census is conducted, states which have increases in population may gain additional seats in the House of Representatives at the expense of other states. NO ONE EVER GETS IN TROUBLE for refusing to answer. I am a nurse, taxpaying honest citizen and I will not be forced into answering these obscene questions! This is not for every citizen, so we will not participate. And everyone should have to fill out the same thing-how come I get the long form every time? They never say that they are going to fine you. True Nazism at its finest. Public servants are just public burdens and every time their benefits cost more I have to pay for them and I don't even have any myself!!! Still standing on my porch, I watched her drive back by my house when she left. I may not bother with this anyway. Thus, information obtained through the ACS is not simply used to inform government policy in a neutral manner, but is also being provided to private actors for the purpose of promoting corporate and/or political agendas. I too am going to do the same. The census has gone outside the Constitutional limits for years with what they ask on the actual survey and now this? From reading here, it looks like disclosing phone numbers is just an additional way of eventually breaking you down. This also happened the last time. First in a 2021 survey, support for hard authoritarianism is low, as only 9% of U.S. faculty were willing to support various dismissal campaigns and only 7-18%, depending on the issue, supported ousting a dissenting academic. I responded to the ACS. Q: Is this an unconstitutional invasion of privacy? No way was I going to submit that kind of info. They have done a great job keeping businesses from behaving unethically, unsafely, and preventing them from attaining wealth at the cost of human life - whether from unfair wages and industrial practices or from the mass-physiological effects (brainwashing) of citizens from the huge-budget video/audio buy-buy-buy television addiction machine, or from the shortening of each human life and the human race entirely that is the natural result of reallocating, changing, destroying natural resources to produce worthless tidbits of crap (no matter how "convenient or interesting or entertaining it may seem in the end it is crap and it won't make you happy or more lovable or life more simple or whatever their marketing department's angle is -- it is just crap that is killing all of us and wasting all those workers' lives). I heard I had to answer the questions or face a possible fine of $5000.00 so I answered the questions. Well they stopped today. I can go on the internet and find more about you then anything the census is looking for. This is how those rich people are rich, those "powerful" people are "powerful", and those happy people are happy. Lastly, if you are a proper pet owner, then you consider you dog, cat, etc. She said they don't do that. I would feel dirty if I accepted a job with the census. The Rutherford Institute has developed a form letter that you may use in standing up against the governments attempt to force you to disclose personal information. Before commenting, please review our comment policy. What is the North American Industry Classification System? They can't really do anything and they certainly aren't going to. Last census I was harassed for a while because I refused to answer the long winded privacy invading Community Survey. Thomas Jefferson. I do not think I should have to give out that kind of information. The law does not say you have to answer their questions (so don't). So far no challenges to our door visitors. This summer I sold my house and tried to cancel my FEMA flood insurance. And a law without consequences is no law at all. At that point I stepped in and said goodbye. When he did, the employee asked him to allow her into his home. [26] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/MaritalStatusHistory.pdf. I see no reason to comply. We do live in a relatively remote area, and none of them can make sense of maps they are provided with. You can find the ACS forms on the Census web site under ACS. Unlike the 10-year Census, this survey runs all year, every year. The U.S. Census has nothing to do with Obama nor most of the accusations you are flippantly throwing up online. Look it up. A lock ( To complete it by mail, simply. I needed to read this! We are all empowered, so we need to get together to sue! [5] Unlike the decennial census which is sent out every 10 years, the ACS is an ongoing survey that is sent out on a continuous basis by the Census Bureau.[6]. But it did. I clearly refused the first polite guy who called and then more firmly refused the stern woman who called next. It's those times that make the job really enjoyable because I share their pride. I just got a pretty harassing phone call from a census lady, who said I would be fined if I didn't fill this crap out. ), What in the world is wrong with you people? Help people, can I really get fined if I don't fill this crap out? I don't get mad about much but privacy is basic American. At what location did this person work last week? A final note to those of you who are, or consider yourself Republicans: ACS after initial testing, "went national" in 2004. Q: Is there a penalty for refusing to answer American Community Survey questions? [19] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/EducationalAttainment.pdf. And if I were paranoid, I'd be accusing the census takers of taking my new baby's ss card that has still not arrived in my hands in four months! When I answered the door she said who she was and had a survey for me. As noted, the ACS seeks much more information than the number of persons in a household. It is the premier source for detailed population and housing information about our nation. EXCLUDE incidents involving juveniles or youthful offenders held in facilities operated by your State juvenile system. I filled it out. Although I suspect it's really only one or two of you. ENUMERATION NATION: Refusing The American Community Survey Over half of NYC firefighters would refuse COVID-19 vaccine, survey The virus was not developed as a biological weapon, and it probably wasn't genetically engineered. What is the ACS (American Community Survey)? The American Community Survey: Is it legit & do you have to answer? The Founding Fathers wanted the power to stay with the people - but it took a revolution to secure it. [20] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/Language.pdf. I asked her if she had gotten a statement from my mortgage company-a release- and she found it and sent the refund. I am filling out the ACS as required by law, but feel this is a true invasion of privacy. [3] The purpose of the decennial census is to apportion the 435 members in the U.S. House of Representatives among the several states. Explore census data with visualizations and view tutorials. Fix this problem, fix that, insure this, promise that, but do it without any info, just throw a dart and hope for the best, then when it fails we'll have someone to blame it on, but it won't be our fault! Has anyone else who refused to comply have any information about penalties/fines actually being enforced to date? I received the ACS and the regular Census. The survey is 28 pages long and requires answers to between 95 and 263 questions depending on the number of persons living in the residence. Boreal forests could be a planet-warming 'time bomb' as wildfires These "enumerators" aren't policemen and they can't make you answer their questions or let them into your house. Well, our credit cards, social security numbers, and who knows what else, are now being used by illegal aliens and fraudulent companies. I told her it would be easier for all of us if she did so. I don't bother to answer my phone unless I know who it is. With identity theft on the rise, many are concerned. No one from the Census has ever said they would come back with the sheriff - the sheriff would simply laugh at them if they ever asked. Thank Gosh, I documented every call and person I spoke with. You are! I got the ACS forms and I am scared to be fined. Happy Holidays. Copyright 2023 The Rutherford Institute. they will tell you its the law, but since when do we have to answer to the government who lives in our house and who they are related to and what time we go to work, what time to we return? The info tells them how many live in a certain area. Since many citizens lack basic knowledge of our Constitution and federalist system, they are easily manipulated by media and academic elites who tell them that judges are the absolute and final arbiters of US law. I replied I would answer no questions. They do go to your neighbors and landlord if you are a renter, and they do try to threaten and intimidate you by saying that if you don't answer then someone will return and will have the police with them, so yeah, keep on believing that it's all just a few harmless questions. After reading through the 28 pages of questions the second time (not 28 questions but 28 *pages* of them), I decided to do my research. I also feel for the ones who fought and died for us, who spit in their graves. Let's get them to spread the word. My husband sent him away as we were eating. The data bank, like any data bank, runs the risk of being hacked or accessed by dishonest parties. do we have a hot water heater? Beware The Unconstitutional Census Long Form - American Community Survey The surveyor didn't respond to that one when we had a "terse" discussion with them today. The majority of the survey questions were drawn from published surveys [13, 20, 21]. According to some accounts, those recipients who chose not to return the form and did not respond to phone calls or private visits appeared to be hassled the least. Here's how you know ( Data.census.gov will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance from 6am to 10am EST on Saturday, 3/4/2023. I have therefore included both Article 1 section 2 of the US Constitution, and the US Supreme courts decisions in upholding the right to privacy. One of the three enumerators did canvass my neighbors and got hold of one of them, who tried to call me and advised the census people were looking for me (I did not return the voicemail). Those . Many people I know who voted for this man are now regretting it. You get the picture. The ACS, sent annually in recent years to a sampling of more than 3 million U.S. households, collects detailed information on population and housing, helping to update the information gathered in. My paper shredder has been complaining of hunger, so I'm going to feed the "survey" to it when I receive it in the mail next week. That's the truth. The misinformation spewed from people here is laughable. Estimates: 1-Year. A: According to one report published in early 2014, the government has not prosecuted anyone for refusing to respond to the ACS. 7) Get the left wing indoctrination crew out of our education systems. I filled out the Census form this year and still, someone came to our door. The most aggressive "ally" nation caught spying on the United States is Israel. . I am in the middle of this ACS thing now and refusing to answer. The American Community Survey Sparks a Partisan Fight - The Atlantic TheAmerican Community Survey(ACS) helps local officials, community leaders, and businesses understand the changes taking place in their communities. A month later I received the ACS questionnaire, and coincidentally(? Can I write "refuse" on certain invasive questions on the American But remember some of these folks have children to feed, too. ACS is really not worth losing any sleep over. You don't want your personal information in some library, online or in an archives someday do you? I have a nice little digital camera that makes high-definition video. The BIG 2010 census count is coming soon. For example, lets say in 1790, two years after the ratification of the Constitution, Congress prepared a budget and decided to impose a direct tax to raise the needed revenue. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. This was mailed to me approximately three months ago. You will not be fined. I am so glad to once again stand up for my individual rights. I did not send it back, I received another and still did not fill it out. I will post again if there is further activity. I will comply when they 1) remove the millions of illegals from U.S. soil, 2)oust criminals who do not even pay their taxes from political power positions, 3) listen to the will of their constituency and remember we are a "representative republic" not a "Banana Republic" 4) stop plotting the demise of American citizens with their plans for a Eugenicists health care plan. Unless an individual has been charged and convicted of some criminal offense connected to the Census and the crime falls within section 3559, this $5,000.00 fine does not apply. I noticed that if I left the note on the door, they would sometimes pull up, then just drive off. The rest I will leave blank or make up. I have already received two calls. Wow this there are so many ignorant people here! and see what they make of that. They just look at you and say "Oh" and then walk away. Mine went in the shredder, and I ignored the phone calls. We were hired to call people who did not respond and we left messages on answering machines. And it is supposed to be maintained private otherwise the census worker can go to prison or be fined or both. I threw it away. We are entitled to "Quiet Enjoyment" of our homes. Those of you who are interested just might try at least the internet to find out what this is all about. The state police will show up and *escort* them off your property. :0 We shall not be intimidated! Unfortunately, the guy probably already knew the answers to some of the questions. I was mailed two ACS forms which I promptly threw in the trash because of the personal nature of the questions. As a result of widespread concern and perhaps out of frustration with the survey, several websites have been set up to provide public forums for recipients of the ACS. The CFPB has set up a phone number at (855) 411-2372 expressly to help customers in more than 180 languages, and it provides free educational materials on banking in dozens of languages. Please confirm. Do you think Cass Sunstein knowing how many people, of what age, have physical and emotional disabilities is for the benefit of your family? In a 13-page order, United States District Judge David G. Estudillo found that the federal government never subjected the plaintiffs, who refused to take the American Community Survey (ACS), to a genuine threat of prosecution. As a result, the judge wrote, the plaintiffs claims are not ripe for review., A key contention between the parties was whether the government communicated to the plaintiffs a specific warning or threat of prosecution over their refusal to fill out the ACS. Did not need the closing statement. Is that something you would want to get into the wrong hands? I ignored all of this due to what I had been through. [It does not appear that Census is proposing any changes to the ACS instrument.] I filled out the decennial census. this person got in the building somehow! Recipients of the American Community Survey are told several times that the information given is necessary for the operation of our government, is very secure and is kept private. This questionnaire asked how we got the funds to open the business, and how much money we spent to start up operation! Outrageous! This is Big Brother keeping an eye on the revolution. She informed me that I only had to answer a few questions, and could she come in? Unbelievable that she is now spying on us. Maybe they should change the name of the survey to "American Communist Survey". My 15 year old son was home at the time of the census worker stopping by. After they fill out the form, I seriously doubt they think about you ever again. then maybe somebody will get the hint that we don't want our lives invaded. "Popcorn? The census is satanic. The last time that happened was more than 40 YEARS ago. Fine, sue me, I dare you, but stop holding me hostage in my home. U.S. Census Bureau Notice and Consent Warning You are accessing a United States Government computer network. This warning is clearly stated on the ACS envelope, and the form itself threatens a fine for people who refuse or willfully neglect to complete the survey. If you would like to broadcast your personal information, go for it. This city hasn't had its streets fixed in years and we always fill out the census. A previous post said this is the American Communist survey. They insisted that the ACS did not receive it and wanted the information again. The latest thing they are doing is having the postal carrier come to my door and have me sign a delivery confirmation. I am grateful for this siteI just got the survey in the mail and felt very intimidated into having to complete it.or else. We are getting a camera for the outside of our home this week, so we will be ready. If at some point they insist you are declining, plead the Fifth Amendment. It's sent out to about 3.5 million households. The House GOP proposal would eliminate any increase in funds for 2020 planning, and it cuts nearly $500 million in total from the administration's request, including reductions for the American. Just one question, what could the $1 billion could have been spent on other than conducting a poll? May the Lord grant my fellow citizens victory in their battles with this unconstitutional invasion of privacy, too. BTW my survey went into the guinea pig cage, it will come out the same it went in: crap. The survey also asks how many bedrooms and bathrooms you have in your house, along with the fuel used to heat your home, the cost of electricity, what type of mortgage you have and monthly mortgage payments, property taxes and so on. A Census Bureau representative is quoted in this report as saying that the Bureau is really not in the business of prosecuting people who dont comply.[33] However, a refusal to answer the survey violates the letter of the law and a prosecution might be brought if the government decides to adopt a policy to do so. Racial/Ethnic Differences in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among - JAMA Federal law requires U.S. residents to answer the ACS. They also made an unannounced visit. The 10-digit code appears above the address and to the right. Interesting. We need to take our country back. Their bosses are going like it even less. This means your answers can and most likely will be linked to you even if it is forbidden by law to share your individual responses. This survey is one of only a few Let freedom ring! So, my husband filled it out with the lady standing at my front door. I can not believe this is United States, land of freedom and liberty. Our government is abusive, tyrannical and murderous. The next day I got an e-mail saying that the "government guy" was OK with it and that I should return the form. I live in a high-rise condo building (where I rent), so let them come get me. Best policy is to avoid answering the door to strangers but it's difficult to do if you are outside a lot. Yes we find the government annoying, but we could turn things around to our advantage and make things fun. Want to stay in the loop on class actions that matter to you? For another 22, the information is used to aid advocacy groups, and in nine of those cases, the Census Bureau states that the responses will be used by advocacy groups to advocate for policies that benefit their groups, including advocacy based on age,[23] race,[24] sex,[25] and marital status.[26]. Polite, firm, refusal. For our government to function basic knowledge about the country as a whole, and individual states is required. If a person of the same sex comes to your door, act like you're interested in them and start touching their hair. No one has been fined for failure to comply, and no one ever will be. People, look around you and see. Received two survey forms, three letters and two visits at my door and awaiting a third based on a lovely letter I received yesterday announcing yet another visit. I wish you luck. "; or "How many fingers does Mickey Mouse have?". I know that some of you were harassed by the census folks. The more I looked at it, the more I realized how unconstitutional and invasive it is. Thank God that we still live in a country where we can still tell a thug where to go.