Hebrews 10:4 For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. Those wearing masks when they dont have to are the group in society that cant be trusted. LOL alter your DNA. Rh negative blood type is of an unknown source. Anyway, though, the British royal family are very much tied to the ancient Egyptians. Ephesians speaks about those without faith, who have been called to faith by the blood of Christ. O Negative people are the faithful Universal Donors. Please note that comments will not be approved unless you use your real name. good and bad are just concepts, there are just beings who want workers and slaves and beings who want us to be enlightened so we join the next level of existence. But there are other crucial antigens on some red cells also. As humans, we believe we evolved from apes and the Rh factor in our blood even derives its name from the Rhesus Macaque. Definitely do some research on it because it can play a big role in many aspects of your world. I was so good for 1 year then I had a few bears over the weekend, the heart didnt like it, so I popped in my mouth I was giving flecinide and it went back to normal rhythm so I do not touch alcohol. One big beef is the medical community treats the negatives same as the positives with no consideration we are different. Nephilim and humans share most of the same traits, according to the parts in Genesis and Exodus where they are mentioned. Me too. I started getting migraines with aura when I was young, maybe junior high. Its so weird how blood type affects these things! Most say they have 1-3 good friends. Nevsta, tak syn bez Rh se dali ipovat, tedy dobrovoln okovat a tm se zekli jedinenosti vlastn originality due a zdrojovho prva, stali se tak slouebnky Satana, (El, Ball, Jahve, a.t.d.) How does Rh-negative blood affect pregnancies? It will alter your dna. A baby can inherit the Rh factor from either parent. This has led some to suggest that Rh-Negative blood must be of a non-human origin. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What is Rh factor? 2 Corinthians 5:21 says For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God., Galatians 3:22-29; Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. Thank you so very much for the one and only (so far) intelligent/informed and enlightened comment.I was aghast at all the previous comments-yes, if only humans could be students of the vedas this world would be a much better place, alas the hubris and anthropomorphism! ], 7 Best Christian Family Books [Family Is Divine! Today, a simple shot, often referred to as an Rh immune globulin injection prevents a mothers body from producing antibodies. They eventually migrated to what ended up being somewhere in or near Spain and then of course this Rh- blood line trickled down that way. Jan 12, 2017 at 12:49 pmExhaust Fan Said: (function(d, s, id) { Lol. The majority of people, about 85%, are Rh-positive. But like most matters in life, there are grey patches. According to one view, the Nephilim are the offspring of the sons of god and the daughters of men., Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them,that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that theywerebeautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.. Im 0 and Ive never Ben sick not even a cold ! Science today has no explanation as to where the Rh negative factor originates well, it originates with the Elohiym family godhead. Jesus is only of many. An inversion is not a transgender or a cross dresser, because an inversion is a created person, who had no choice. I am starting to feel more like an Amazon especially after reading your articles. But when it comes to the antigens in our blood there's a small percentage of the population with a strange anomaly, leading some to question if Rh-negative blood is alien in origin. The report said Id lost 3 litres of blood, but there was nothing like the panic over supply. very interesting information. What Does the Bible Say About Rh Negative Blood? About 85% of people have RH-positive blood. Both views attempt to explain the sexual Christianity FAQ exists to help people understand the Christian faith. One reason Nephilim is often translated as fallen ones is the relation to the Hebrew word naphal (to fall). And stopped donating. Rh Neg is permanent. A study published in late 2020 in Annals of Internal Medicine, revealed that people with type O or Rhnegative blood may be at slightly lower risk from COVID-19. There were quite advanced and were a free energy civilization which is what the 3 great pyramids are. I never thought there was so much to know about blood its interesting finding out. Even though the Nephilim are different in some ways, they are similar in most others. Anyone else? I like being up high but Im afraid of heights once I get up there. DNA, Blood Groups, and Racial Studies 3. Not your fines moment, oh bright one. I also have a great nose and I can tell a false person a mile off , most are ,so it makes for easier life not to bother with them x, I agree we all seem to have these things in common. One of the most important references lies in Hebrews 10:19, which speaks to the power all of us have in the blood (and therefore the acceptance) of Jesus. There are very few differences. The Bible never mentions Rh-negative blood. And can produce an Anti-D antibody. For that reason, people with this blood type often seek out others with the same personality traits to find friendships. It sounds so stupid, to go through all of the effort for all these years just for our energy, but its true. Last year found out Im part of the 30% population with accessory spleen(I have 2 spleens), and recently diagnosed with Fatty Liver. Extracts from Some Sources Very much like The Matrix, which many have said is a documentary. There are scholars that take each of these views. A look around at the ancient civilizations around the world shows clearly that astronomy was a huge deal, as they constructed amazingly accurate sites, such as Stonehenge and several others. Rh-negative blood can negatively affect pregnancies if its not treated. Here is my new Amazon article: Are rh negative people more likely to have red hair and/or freckles. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. What Does The Bible Say About RH Negative Blood? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. I read the Basque people were one of the Hebrew nations, and I thought that was very interesting. Today I would like to write about my blood type and the many stories surrounding it. According to the Vatican, blood from the Shroud of Turin was tested as AB. I use to have a fear of heights. Hebrews 9:14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? Considering how the RH negative factor is a very small portion of the general population of the world, this assembling is interesting. I was born with a rare condition called Adisons Disease, but just recently found out. The wheat and tares parable is a world of truth in it. Does salt water carry significant health benefits for Rh negative individuals? There is information about children born to rhesus negative mothers avaliable also. I have eyes that change color ( Greens, browns & yellows) People are shocked by my true age because I stay young in looks. Cleveland Clinic's Ob/Gyn & Women's Health Institute is committed to providing world-class care for women of all ages. But, Rh negative indicates the "absence of the Rh D antigen" which otherwise is quite abundant in most (85%) humans. When antigens are lacking in the individual, they are classified as belonging to blood group O. RH- negative blood type is assigned to people with a rare blood type, Rh-negative blood. In somewhat related news: Ancient Hebrews' skeletons examined shown over 50% frequencies of blood type AB. Hemophilia also runs on my fathers side. Her son came back to life and the missing piece, his phallus, she just fashioned from concrete instead. And related to that question, who are the sons of god and the daughters of men? SHOULD RH NEG 0 BLOOD TKE CONV 19 VACCINE? Such as the Sumerians tell us about a culture from the Heavens to the Earth, Came. CO2 can also pass through the cell membrane unaided (above right), but not quickly enough." If your blood doesn't have the protein, you're Rh negative. And 85% of Rh- are white. It remains unknown to date where the negative factor came from. I hardly ever get sick and take no meds. Its the story of how Isis had a son, who someone killed, then cut into 13 pieces and scattered the pieces all over the globe. Blood is seen throughout the Bible as important, and the use of the word blood is both considered to be used as a metaphor, but sometimes also as a physical term. They succeeded in creating the satanic cult, starting out with members who thought they were special, but needed other members to keep the agenda going. In this case, Eve would indeed have had the same blood type as Adam. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I enjoy reading articles about this but often feel skeptical about aliens. Many years ago, there was a world-wide call out for donors when an Australian man who shared my mothers group required a transfusion. The new testament connects Jesus blood with two surprises. Best wishes, We got this!!! Your email address will not be published. The "+" or "-" you might see after your blood type refers to Rh positive or Rh negative. My Dad was O+. Our tranny These are the angels who joined Lucifer when he chose to rebel against God in heaven. RH Negative blood is sourced from the original angelic human DNA from the stars, as such they may be called Starseed people. For with the heart, one believes and is justified, and with the mouth, one confesses and is saved. Ive only had one major disease, breast cancer and its not hereditary. Cant drink, food allergies make you so sick you have learned to be very careful with what you consume. I have never had the flu jab because I never get the flu, I am over the cancer had everything removed then they found that the top entrance valve of my heart is strangely enlarge how did that happen? And spent time in the same home with them. Rhesus negative people have a greater oxygen capacity thus are more adaptable to higher altitudes like the mountains. Its really bad now. hardly get sick. Bible verses that reference the Nephilim do not attribute many specific physical traits to this line of people, except for littered references to their height (and overall health). Never knew her parents. RH-permanent, YES it isnt possible to change blood types. Definitely dont take the vaccine, on this we definitely agree 100%. Add to this, the old churches with crosses on steeples and the bell towers with the church bells. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. as Rh neg person cannot fight off viruses? And its not where it originated from, but where its mostly accumulated. NOT related to the Rhesus monkey..regardless of race/ethnicity..some nonsense Darwin (a rather strange man w/rather strange ideas who also married his first cousin) came up with to push evolution OVER creation! I think it has a lot to do with th neg I am the same dont need lot of friends and can also isolate myself no problem. It is my understanding, the most recent breakdowns (by race) are from the 1970s, suggesting the overall % may now be as low as 7-9% worldwide. However, it can affect your pregnancy.". This word is in place in two circumstances, first of combat and criminal attacks, and on the whole death. Here is the truth about what the Bible said about the fallen angels: In other words, fallen angels are not able to turn back to God and be forgiven because they already know him and have chosen to reject him. Were just special. ], 10 Best Christian Weight Loss Books [Possible! If your blood has the protein, you're Rh positive. The Bible never mentions a specific blood type, such as A-Positive or O-Negative. I also have endometrosis. We believe in the Trinity, the conformity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead. As for the cult, they dont know that theyre enslaved: they think theyre royal and they do get lots of benefits from that, plus theyre addicted to the adrenalized blood of their victims. We offer women's health services, obstetrics and gynecology throughout Northeast Ohio and beyond. Rh Negative blood has been mislabeled, on line, as diseased blood NOT SO. They are the 13 bloodlines that we hear about, and they do track their blood. (Jude 1:7). Did the Nephilim survive the flood, contrary to Genesiss reporting? ], 39 Forgiving What You Cant Forget Quotes and Takeaways [Time To Let Go]. Itis commonly referred to as hemolytic disease or death of the unborn. I am RH Negative B and I had to have a shot when I had my son, did not Disclaimer: This blog, all of its content and all of my posts are for Entertainment Purposes Only. 10 Best Food & Diet Meal Plan for Stem Cell Transplant, 10 Best Diet Meal Plan & Food Nutrition Practices for Childhood Obesity, 10 Best Diet Meal Plan & Food Nutrition Practices for Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. They dont have the A, B, or Rh antigens on their cells. Im pretty sure that Zara Tinsdale is an inversion and if I had to guess, I would say that Kate Middleton is, too. . I wont be having the vaccine. Rh negative blood starts from a variety in the RHD gene. He received his green and valuable blood for the forgiveness of the sins of humankind. When he is sick he goes about business usual. Each interpretation is controversial in the 21st century. The same is said of the Peruvians, some of the Japanese and Tibetan Monks. Those who believe that the descendants of the Nephilim exist today do so in defiance of what Genesis records. Required fields are marked *. This Hemolytic infection, an allergic response can produce death. In Genesis 6, the Bible points to the guard of fallen angels as sons of God. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? A protein on your blood cells. Two O+, one unknown. Theres even an obelisk in NYC which was brought from Egypt, and a hole had to be cut into the side of the ship, to fit the obelisk. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other . You will need to be cautious each time you are pregnant. I have lots of theories on information out there. It just only becomes life threatening when pregnant or if you were to need a transfusion urgently. Hi, Im Rh B- the shot they give you is after giving birth so you will have a better chance of not miscarrying when you have other children. Is there a Basque-Jewish-Rh Negative connection? The Bible never mentions a specific blood type, such as A-Positive or O-Negative. We feed off of each others energy. Bad allergies. The Bible also points out one more important fact that ties together blood types together with the origin of different genetics. O Rh positive - Mixed, God and human. What are you laughing for? This results in having them being more picky when it comes to food preferences. The word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some translations of the Hebrew Bible but left untranslated in others. The history of medicine clearly shows that infectious disease had been essentially eradicated by better diets and hygiene in the west long before vaccines started piggy backing this trend. 55 of those findings were diagnosable. maybe us rh- people come from reptiles lolnever know. I experience panic attacks on escalators now. Rh- and autoimmune diseases. You should receive RhoGAM injections at appox. The protein is genetically inherited (passed down from your parents). (Assess the Claims), link to What Does "Strange Flesh" Mean in the Bible? doesnt contain a protein on red blood cells, contains a protein on the surface of red blood cells, yes, its the blood type of demon-human or alien-human hybrid creatures, the godly male descendants of Seths line, lust; some views argue that the women consented, and others that demons raped them, If they are half-human, what are the implications regarding their, Its consistent with the meaning of the word Nephilim, which is. Lots of energy. Its also worth noting that the pyramids and the easter island heads where built by the same group of people and this group of people where not Caucasian or European originally. The Nephilim, according to this theory, are not human-demon hybrids but human-alien hybrids. To begin with, the bible says that we are created in the image of God. If so, then the most likely scenario is that they both had type AB. For this reason alone, before we can look at what the bible says about RH negative blood, each human being came with a form of intrinsic greatness and value. I was born ab rhesus negative which is rare in itself. According to the research I have done, it does not alter DNA. All these things I have had and no one else in our family have had and I am the only one with my blood group. And cursed be the one who restrains his sword from blood. If we are all human, why would our bodies reject our baby we are carrying? Lacking Rh factor canlead to problems especially incases where blood transfusion or organ transplant is needed urgently. Blood can also, sometimes, be used to refer to lineage or family line. Death here means the eternal separation from God that is hell for those who fully surrendered their lives to Jesus. Charles Darwin, although heavily influenced by his Unitarian mother during childhood, had lost his faith by age 40. The Bible says nothing specific about Rh negative, but it does say that God made man and woman in his image. Evolution proofs are still looking for the missing link, because we were genetically modified to speed up evolution into the humans we are now. Yes I am over weight, and yes I have a fib. TBH, nobody really knows. There was some Irish on my mothers side too. A few scholars nuance one of the three main views and an even smaller number try to combine two of them, but most Bible scholars accept the general framework of one of the three views on the table below. But they can only accept O Negative blood. Here is a faith-based perspective on rH negative blood type. To o czym mwisz nie jest prawd W mojej rodzinie jest wiele osb z rh negative i s te osoby z 0 rh (negative). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Was not told that if I didnt get the RhoGam shot early on there was a good chance I would miscarry. To many scholars, the unusual nature and intensity of the sin in Genesis 6:1-4 explains Gods regret (v. 6) and the flood of judgment that follows in the narrative. The 5 to 15 percent without it are labeled "Rh- negative.". It wasnt all that bad for me. No scientist can tell you where it came from. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. This is why they use to do a blood test for people that were getting married to make sure they could have children. Romans 6:23; For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. There are so many theories and thoughts about Nephilim or fallen angels. Point Im making is if you do your research this gene came from a group of people out of Africa most likely of Sumerian origin. also, the more benevolent aliens gave us math etc, also we were from mars but bombed it senseless and were moved. As long as your doctor is aware you are Rh- (and they should ask), it isnt really a big deal. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and whatever you do or dont celebrate, Rh negatives! just would like to know if anyone in my past-(ancestors) were of the RH neg .blood. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Another unique group was the Eastern/Oriental Jews. Before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. Now its not necessary because they figured a way around it. I have been exposed to both of the viruses. The Bible is silent about RH-negative blood; it does not mention anything about it. Its no conspiracy that vaccines are not necessary . First, it is under wraps that Jesus made amends for our sins. Thats a lot of sickness. </p> One of the bloodlines goes back to Babylon and are descendent from Nimrod. Im rh negative as well. , Aliens. This happened on the 17th of the month, hence why the number 17 is so important to them. washed by His blood). What is the majority view among scholars in history? For this reason O Negative blood can be sent to anyone without antibodies to those parts going on. If an expecting mother is Rh negative and her baby is . When Solomon's Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC, the tribe of Dan migrated from Jerusalem into the kingdom of Kush, which is now modern-day Ethiopia and Sudan. So why does the human body provide antigens to this blood type? The RH factor is a protein found in the human blood that is directly linked to the Rhesus Monkey. Science does not know where it came from. We need to really start talking to one another to see how much in common we really have. Apart from that I am in good health and have been told I look a lot younger that 76. I'm Mike, and together we'll learn how to support our emotional, mental, and physical well-being. I dont get sick much, but I dont take vaccines, and I dont believe in germ theory . This is a major disadvantage forpeople whobelongstothe Rh negative blood group. This could be a strong argument for the hypothesis that humans are derived from Primates or evolved. My father was black and he is A- and my Caucasian mother was B-. they were here for various purposes from enslavement to enlightenment. . have any more children. I was able to breathe so well in Maccu Piccu. Its said that evil turns things upside down, inside out, and backwards, plus is an oppositionist, and an obstructionist. to learn more. The reptiles are one of may and yes they are in many ways controlling things. Revelations.org is an online bible portal for understanding, interpreting and educating the world about bible content. There's the God of Truth and the god of lies in it, as it is in everything in the world until the last day. Rh-negative. Anything that could have exposed you to something we Rh negatives tend to react more quickly and strongly to? The blood group of Jesus was an HB. Because Ive never heard of the negative factor coming out of Africa, but that makes perfect sense because all people were supposed to have derived from Africa. Also my grandfather on my dads side was AB- like me. Rh negative blood is found among the Ethiopians at a frequency of 8%. Why do so many Rh negatives believe that we come from aliens? I am an O-, universal blood donor. Ja mam B rh D (negative), mam wiele alergii, nie choruj, cinienie krwi mam od 110/70 do 120/80, nisz temperatur ciaa. 10 Ways On How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites, 10 Best Food & Diet Meal Plan for Blood Clot Treatment, 10 Best Food & Diet Meal Plan to Support Acupuncture for Weight Loss, {"cookieName":"wBounce","isAggressive":false,"isSitewide":true,"hesitation":"","openAnimation":false,"exitAnimation":false,"timer":"","sensitivity":"","cookieExpire":"10","cookieDomain":"","autoFire":"","isAnalyticsEnabled":false}. Their language origins are still unknown as it does not derive from Proto-Indo Aryan like all other European/Asian languages. One school of thought associates these beings with fallen angels or their offspring. I had so much acid, now it is not as bad but suffered from acid reflux many years but not in the esophagus in my stomach. Babies can test rhesus positive but be weak positive making them more like the rhesus negative mom. I have both what is refered to as an extra rib & extra vertabre. For example, in what is widely considered the best Genesis commentary available today, the author concludes, It seems that the sons of the gods must be understood as spiritual beings akin to angels or demons. [1]. Guess Im the unlucky one where a nasty virus does damage. Youre not alone!! We dont understand the cruelness of people. Also see Is Covid 19 in the Bible? This may be because of the way I was raised, but Im not better educated or wealthy than others, however despite the hardships I have been through, I have been able to be alone, reflect and get back to my center. (No. But I also enjoy speaking to large crowds. My family is all RH Neg 4 B neg and 1 O neg. Some say the Rh negative blood type is a sign of alien blood, or the blood of god. Blood types that do not have the Rhesus-gene, are called Rh Negative as a result. The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. Throughout the Bible, the term appears as a metaphor for Christs actions and how we can attain redemption through the acceptance of Christ (e.g. But for now Ill keep it on til I know they 5G is destroyed. Thanks for the laugh. Side Effects. Jsou klony, vypstovan na DNA primt, toho se prn dopustil bel, ton zabil Kaina, id otoili pravdu.