Israel has become a Mecca pardon the analogy for illegal and unethical organ. Where is the 33rd parallel in Australia? The founder of the center wrote the book: Shambala Sacred Path of The Warrior. The Earth's parallels 33 North and 33 South reveal fascinating details. ; SUPER humanity? And other tyrannies. Mr. Munk is noted as having business dealings with the Rothschilds recently in buying, The Trigranit firm in Hungary. The death row of Louisiana, In Angola Louisiana and the death row of George W. Bush in Texas (Huntsville) are. . Countries like Iran and Afghanistan are traversed by parallel 33. e) Election in which Clinton won Presidency vs. Dole and Kemp; 1. a) Colonia Dignidad Dignity Colony . The site for Death Row in New Mexico is 10-14 miles SOUTH of Santa Fe. President Ford was a Fez wearing mason, so was FDR and President Harry Truman that. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) strongly supports the death penalty *( Only 2 men on death row since previous Governor commuted all sentences to Lifenonetheless , Governor Richardson fights to keep Death Row open for business despite bi-partisan legislation to simply abolish it. Thus, it, is likely very close to 35.0 latitude N. This is ALMOST EXACT WITH THE. Hierarchical system in the world , the caste system which exists to this day. The confederates wore grey. The intellectual architect , so to speak. . THE ISRAELI NUCLEAR WEAPONS FACILITY AT DIMONA IS ALIGNED, NEARLY EXACTLY WITH THE DEATH ROW IN ATMORE, ALABAMA, 1. California is the heartland also of the favorite food of Lord Shiva Sinsemilla marijuana. THE STAGE PROP RANCH IS LOCATED IN EXACT ALIGNMENT WITH THE CENTER OF JERUSALEM WHICH AS NOTED HAS GRID COORDINATES OF 666: Since the ranch is a recent purchase the selection of this site raises many questions. Entire books have been written just on that topic. SINCE THE DEATH OF FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT IN APRIL OF 1944 ALL PRESIDENTS DIE ON 33RD PARALLEL BISECTED STATES: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, place of Death Warm Springs, Georgia. . The number of glass panes in the pyramid are, 13. Thus an illuminati agent gave FDR, The home in which he died as a gift. The, person was given the option of payment. In we take a look at northern hemisphere, the alleged parallel makes its way through important US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, or the town of Roswell, an area which is popular for its history with UFO-related subjects. Widespread sexual misconduct in ritualized fashion and killings. The Phoenix Lights, witnessed by thousands of people in the skies above the city were one of the most enormous UFO sightings in history.As per the witnesses, two separate UFOs events were reported.The city ofPhoenix is situated on Parallel 33. The pyramid at the luxor resulted in death during construction, has had numerous suicides and construction workers refused to work there. Miccosukee Indians in the Everglades swamp twice a year. BHUTTO was Pakistans FIRST Democratically elected President. Abu Ghraib and Feng Shui : DO WALLS HAVE MEMORIES? George H W Bush gives his speech discussing a New World Order on 9-11-90. Their home so near to a place where so many died horribly, including children? In circumference. . 4. There is a famous bell. The George Peabody banking empire was effectively an agent of the Rothschild clan. This is on the 33rd parallel, the home of the Mother Lodge of the World, Death, Row is directly on 33rd parallel and supposed/alleged site of human sacrifice regarding, THE BRUTAL CULTURE OF THE AZTECS AND MAYAS REACHED THE 33RD. And kill them to maintain control over them by a so-called master race. This correlates to the, Much beloved Bull Market on Wall Street worshipped by investors. Many believed he was, Murdered . The Libyan soviet- supplied reactor at Tahura is also located along this alignment. Raleigh NC: Masonic Temple 3.3 miles away. This is what was discovered. 5. They could have been starved out. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. New Mexico Death Row in Santa Fe is aligned with Los Alamos Nuclear facility, North Carolina Death Row. . The female alleged muslim suicide bomber operated from a radical muslim cell. The pyramid is located in Memphis TN. Download 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death PDF for free. He became fabulously wealthy by conquering South Africa, And exploiting its diamond and gold fields, It crosses the Atlantic Ocean, Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australasia, the Pacific Ocean and South America. The space shuttle Columbia broke up over the 33rd parallel. A Prince Hall Freemason. Heavily involved in the nuclear energy field. & Aztec basketball . And see photos in the previous abide miracles link. All three numbers have Masonic significance, And 9 1+1 / 1+1 9 being numbers related to the 9/11 attacks which are rife with Masonic, Numerology as well. The latitude for the ancient city of Uruk is 31.19. Download Unionpedia on your Android device! The project was called Trinity. Further California and the pashtun region of Afghanistan to be more specific. Being the all-seeing Masonic eye. Depends who you ask. The greys are alleged to be extraterrestrials that abduct and experiment on human beings. 33N passes within half a degree the following major cities: San Diego, California, USA Phoenix, Arizona, USA Dallas, Texas, USA Tripoli, Libya Damascus, Syria Baghdad, Iraq Isfahan, Iran Longnan, China Hanzhong, China Ankang, China Shiyan, China Nanyang, China Zhumadian, China Fuyang, China Huainan, China Bengbu, China Yancheng, China 2. It should be noted that this activity. Also . Kissinger and Haig are the two most conspicuous practitioners of the corrupt trade and, And also the most slavishly devoted to the Beijing Party line, . Vice-President of the United States in wartime the discovery of this is what caused FDR to drop Wallace in the 44 election. Symbol is the Eagle for Romans as for America. Check Pages 1-50 of 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death in the flip PDF version. Pancho Villa was said to have sold his soul for power. His ownership of the Home would ensure many happy returns to., Lee Atwater read Machiavellis The Prince once a year to keep the correct strategy in,, Lee Atwater (now deceased from brain cancer caused by reading too much Machiavelli). Was Alamogordo , New Mexico. Never been adequately explained until now. C. THE GOVERNORS OF ALL 33RD PARALLEL STATES , MALE/FEMALE OR REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT FIND BIPARTISAN AGREEMENT ON ONE ISSUE THE DEATH PENALTY IS APPROPRIATE AND SHOULD BE LEGAL. THAT WAS STOPPED FROM BUILDING A SUPER PRISON FOR JUVENILES NEAR OAKLAND 33RD PARALLEL CALIFORNIA. YOU, THE READER STILL HAVE. Are associated with certain types of energy related phenomenon good or evil. Belief system in pyramids, death sacrifices at pyramidal structures, and geo- alignment. link. GEORGE W BUSH ( TOP EXECUTIONER IN US HISTORY) PRAISES IRAQ CURRENCY DEPICTING INVENTOR OF THE DEATH PENALTY FOR THE WORLD HAMMURABI , KING OF BABYLON: 1. Florence Prison, AZ: Masonic Temple 1.2 miles away. How can persons such as fellow skull & bones member George W. Bush get away with not answering questions about what the organization is about? EXACT AREAS IN WHICH GALILEO WORKED happens to end up on the currency. Al Hazen was a scientist of significance in times of vast ignorance. As well, I noticed the amount of Air Force Bases along the 33rd parallel is . Some believe that this is nothing more than a coincidence, while others point to a number of interesting details with the number 33 Mom and Pop growers out the door a long time ago.blamed on Mexican Cartels, Production Soaring article dated OCT. 2005. . . History provides numerous other examples , this would be. 3. Curiously, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33, in the city of Dallas. Dealey Plaza is home to the Masonic Mother Lodge of Texas. The Salt Pit Torture Center in Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan is in direct alignment. Again, in India, the Vedas or legends speak of the hindu god Shiva eating marijuana, Plants. NUKES WE ARE NOW PRETENDING TO TRY TO STOP THEM FROM GETTING! The exact coordinates on this site go as follows N 33.291235 it adds up to 22 or 2 11s. Suggested as a Democratic nominee for Governor in the next election. Penalty but rather through unofficially sanctioned mob lynching. 7. 1. A MONTH AND IS ALSO ON THE 33rd PARALLEL. 1. January 17, 1991 George H W Bush launches attack into Iraq in Gulf War I. . Hammurabi is seen by some as a Proto-Antichrist figure that first dreamed of putting, Humanity under one government, run by one man. The screaming eagles are the 101st Airborne Division. . Japan, China and India are also at the forefront of the unethical organ transplant list. . A small City in southern region of the country. 1. The US Supreme Court lifted the ban on executions in 1976. b) Governor George W. Bush as noted previously, set the record for executions in Texas. Also, the name Green Dragon or any type of name, Of that nature is very common in a martial arts setting but very rare in a meditation. SEE ALSO-. India is, Also bisected by the 33rd parallel. It has been called a militaristic religion and a FORM OF MASONRY AMONG, THE ROMAN LEGIONNAIRESthus, since it was ROMANS and not actual JEWS. Tucker State Prison Farm home of Death Row 34.43917 . . The South African Government has the Worlds Only Occult Unit to deal with crime related to sorcery, ritual murder and such. Without Kings death none of that would have happened. It was situated about 10 miles from the city of Waco. The leader of the Confederacy was a mason much like. The suspected Algerian once secret nuclear weapons site is located at Ain Oussera. The Parliament of Worlds Religions is in Cape Town and is associated with the. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. 17. For more U.S. locations including cities, towns, parks and more, use the Find Latitude and Longitude tool. 16. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". . It is. He in fact was the Senior Managing. . See also Latitude and Longitude of World Cities. . This is very close to the approximate location of death row for women in Atlanta and death row in Lebanon (Roumieh). At its maximum, east longitude extends how many degrees? Bill Clinton has been associated with human sacrifice of new born baby to achieve power and avoid being removed from office during Lewinsky-Gate. 1001 Club (again the 11). 33rd Parallel. Important info left out. 3. 2. Related facility. 3. In 1840, the town of Menton was ruled by the Grimaldi family , the royal family of Monaco associated with the Illuminati and the so-called Black Nobility. Both these cities straddled the parallel 33. The crater is 33 km. His brother Ted, Kennedy placed a white rose at a memorial for his brother at Runnymede, where the. The Washington Shambala Center. Again, the test range for obvious reason is vast. The City where Abraham , the father so to speak of Judaism, Christianity and Islam was, From a city known as Ur. It crosses the Atlantic Ocean, Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australasia, the Pacific Ocean and South America . Elohim City is located near Muldrow , Oklahoma. Thus, the 33rd parallel located industry and its, Questionable track record as far a Judaeo-Christian mainstream values is controlled. The ones mentioned in this article are a mere. e) black magician Aleister Crowley performed a ritual that involved the use of an animal and a female, which ended with the animal being killed. Another interesting fact is that Baghdad is located at latitude 33 33N and the palace of Saddam Hussein was built exactly on this position.The ancient city of Damascus, Syria also corresponds to that parallel. Westinghouse is since 1999 owned by BNFLs or British Nuclear Fuels. Las Vegas, Nevada is in direct alignment with Nashville, TN and thus Carthage. Interestingly, his brother Robert was also assassinated on parallel 33,in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. . Once the decision to end the trade was made, The fall came very quickly. Carthage was a major center of human sacrifice and demon, Worship. 37.401306 N. * This is very close to the latitude for San Quentin Prison 37.5623. The Knight Templars were put out of business. He was the heir apparent to the throne. The black turbans and the skull and bones owe each other for their mutual rise to power. Common knowledge that women were executed. The Governor of Florida, has been sending persons to their death at the same time. 5. 6. . WITH LITTLE NOTICE the clerical regime is no longer clerical. What city is located at 30n 97w?Where is 33n 97w located? enterprise lock-stock & barrel. Many odd disasters happen there like the combination of. The modern Aga Khan , head of the Ismailis, is, A direct descendant of the Old Man of the Mountains the leader of the assassins.. . The only cadaver laden with DNA etc KNOWN TO EXIST AND NOW DISCOVERED, IS GILGAMESH THE MAN-GOD OF SUMERIA. Gay bomber that was used flew on its 33rd mission to drop the first bomb. Mr. Ahmadinejad believes that he emits a light or glow when he speaks and that the. Studied Buddhism, took lots of acid (LSD presumably) came back to start Apple. There are those that believe that Waco had been a center for CIA mind control, experiments since the end of WW II when german experts were brought there as a result, 5. . Both are in favor of the death penalty. The worst POW camp / Prison in the USA was Andersonville. Some Black magic groups call the energy Mana like manna from hell, not heaven. The first person pictured are hindu yogis. Located immediately west of the prison grounds in the town of Florence itself is a The first atomic bomb was exploded in the desert of New Mexico. Also. The inventor of the death penalty likewise. The Aga Khan has ties to a swiss foundation with Neil Bush and the current Pope Benedict before he became Pope. 3. The first person to his side was a freemason The Reverend Jesse Jackson. Animal Flesh Eater Arrested: Felony Charges Serious Injury To 3 Month Old! Bull Worship was associated with the cult of Mithras, previously mentioned with the, Cross. 5. The Indian, Version is moving steadily towards occult related themes as is widely known in regarding. THE LOOTING OF IRAQ UNDER THE SKULL AND BONES ADMINISTRATION IS SIMILAR TO THE NAZIS: MISSING ARE THE LAW TABLETS OF HAMMURABI THE FATHER OF THE DEATH PENALTY.-, The current war in Iraq saw the looting of. ; an unstable system synonymous with crisis. 1756 Charleston, South Carolina, the original site of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States, is only 15 miles south of the 33rd Parallel Saddam was an, enemy he was removed. Recently , President George W Bush appointed George Herbert Walker III as, Ambassador to Hungary. . The 33rd parallel is a path of power across the globe, a circuit that links both time and space, a mystery we are just now beginning to realize. . ).He is a proponent of a One World Government and has received awards for his work from the Scandal tarred United Nations for this. . (Pls recall the previously note Cult of Galilieo of the Illuminati.). water, rising from the dead and so forth. The purpose of the colony was to sell, Another drug, opium to China. FREEMASON NAPOLEON BONAPARTE & DEMON POSSESSED HITLER BOTH LUSTED AFTER OWNERSHIP OF THE SPEAR OF DESTINY AS A RELIC OF POWER AND GLOBAL DOMINATION: The spear combines: 1. . THE PROBLEM with the story: John Kerry was not Irish. All members get a number that is divisible by 3. Around the world [ edit] Both Skull and Bones Bush administrations, Skull and Bones Kerry and De Molay and, Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton have had a role in allowing the mullahs in growing into a, cancer that will lead to a nuclear massacre producing massive sacrificial outpouring of the, energy which the Aztec spirits crave.,_Tennessee . In this case, the current occupants went there SPECIFICALLY LOOKING FOR THE ENERGY TO INCREASE IT -TO USE IT, The Iranian Nuclear weapons facility at Arak is almost exactly on line with Baalbek. Monopoly on the trade before the start of the US Revolutionary War. child sacrifice took place almost continuously for 600 years. The roman site lies to the south and thus falls within the 33rd Parallel. India also has a or had a Death Cult. 5. People who buck the system wont work in this town again. denial in that situation. site in the United States along geopolitical entities touched by the 33rd parallel. The inaugural event was held in 1989 in Manhattan Beach, California and the current event will be held in Alba (Italy) in the pulsating heart of the Langhe region. Hells Angels motorcycle gang : Formed in Oakland , California. Babylon is very near the 33rd Parallel, as we reveal above; but, the current city of Baghdad is located right on the 33rd Degree Parallel. Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry (R ) * info not available on deadlinethemovie link. What is being sought there? LAWYER FOR OIL FOR FOOD SCAM BRAIN Marc Rich, Pardoned by Bill Clinton. His beliefs are totally the, Opposite of the Catholic Church and is on the verge of excommunication. __CHRIST DIED NAILED TO A SOLAR CROSS BY MITHRAS FOLLOWERS ROMAN LEGIONAIRES THAT WERE AKIN TO MASONS & WHOSE SYMBOL WAS AN EAGLE IN A LAND BISECTED BY 33RD PARALLEL. What city is 33 degrees north and 112 degrees west? The lunar latitude and longitude numbers add up to 13. AL Haytham the Man of Experience. This ultimately became, The ACLU. A, Decoration for Valor based on the Teutonic Knights. Latitude for Santa Fe, New Mexico is N. Latititude 35.67. 1. Two drugs being produced in a 33rd parallel country run, By the British Royalty being sold to two countries on the 33rd parallel for huge profit and. The Fascists ritual ended with the human being killed. Elohimin Hebrew this means the gods. . Section and seems to be associated with New Age more than just Buddhist meditation. The southernmost tip of the Korean Peninsula is at about the 33rd parallel, approximately 2,277 miles north . posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 07:56 AM. The Pyramid in Memphis , Tennessee is mostly used for Basketball games. History indicates that he was elected, Through vote fraud. . Many believe that is named after the Holy Trinity of Christian or Catholic belief. The latitude of Colima, California is 33.94 N Latitude. It was known as the order, Of the Assassins. The people are like sheep. The first cadaver of such a superhuman entity ever found. The previous site notes that Alcyone will not cure what ails one unless coupled with a. Gleaming like a steel and glass mirage surrounded by ironwood, palo verde, and saguaro cactus, this modern American city lies in a brown cloud of auto exhaust at the northern end of the Sonoran Desert. * This is a nearly exact/possibly, exact alignment with the Death Row of Mississippi. DATE OF THE START OF GULF WAR I IN 1991. . e) In numerology the number 38 can be equated to slavery. Formed in San Francisco , California in 1966. This ties in directly with the KLA heroin warriors. What was so bad about Ur of the Chaldees that Abraham could not practice his. . The location for. What were the, nazis really about? He heals the sick and raises the dead. 3 no more and no less. Advertisement. This raises the possibility that a hereditary descendant of the Assassins could also be, A member of the Society of Skull and Bones. The 9 and the 1 as in the two, Numbers in 9/11. Sinai by Zecharia Sitchin. CONTROL OF THIS CORPSE, MAY EXPLAIN WAR AND THE LOOTING AS A MEANS TO ACCESS THESE, MATERIALS AND RELICS RATHER THAN HAVING THEM FALL IN THE, HANDS OF RIVAL OCCULT CONSORTIUM OF FRANCE-GERMANY-RUSSIA &. Faith there? Latitude N. 36.10 This is, Nearly identical to the location of Carthage , Tunisia. The symbol speaks, For itself, a flaming death head skull. 6. SUPPORT FOR THE ULTIMATE MASS HUMAN SACRIFICE ON THE 33RD PARALLEL TO USHER IN THE NEW AGE IS NOT LIMITED TO THE BUSH ADMINISTRATIONS -PAST AND PRESENT- LIKE MUCH OF THE MASONIC STRATAGEMS IT IS BIPARTISAN IN NATURE: Skull and Bones John Kerry favored providing the regime with enriched uranium based on promises the mullahs would not build nuclear weapons and had funds provided to his campaign by Ayatollah agents. Construction company of first choice by the so-called New World Order. Starting at the Prime Meridian and heading eastwards, the parallel 33 south passes through: Last edited on 22 February 2021, at 09:49, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, This page was last edited on 22 February 2021, at 09:49. This is the organization closest to George W. Bushs Texas. His grandson Husseins. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. La Vey lived in San Francisco. . IGNORED WHEN IT COMES TIME FOR HIS PEACE PRIZE how can this happen? Strange message of the End of the World hidden in the Google translator, Ex-Navy Officer Milton William Cooper Revealed Baffling Details Associated With Aliens, The Ariel School UFO Incident: UFOs And Aliens Witnessed By 62 Students. States and end the threat of the Soviet Union right then and there. TIME TO ACT AGAINST EVILNOT JUST READ ABOUT HOW BAD IT IS. . Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. BURIED- THIS IS PART OF A GAIA ENERGY GRID: Truth of Consequences New Mexico SpacePort of the future N. Latitude 31.13. Most of the heroin, Comes from the blooming poppy fields of 33rd Parallel Afghanistan, now free of Omars, Bad-for-business anti-drug directives. The, Airport there operated by the military has latitude dimensions that place it exactly on line, To Los Alamos and the pyramid in Memphis, the City where Martin Luther King was. Thus if you live on the 34th parallel of latitude, the sun will rise one minute later and set one minute earlier than on the 33rd parallel and so on. Which uses rituals from the. . . The same focus on violence , sex , Drugs and so forth exists in both 33rd parallel nation/State located industries. 2. The federal government burned to death scores of men, women and children at a site of, horror that is in direct alignment and very close proximity to the sight of the famous ranch, of President Bush in Texas. . It is located at 30.55 N Latitude. Jack Parsons and Hubbard were the founders of the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena , both. The planes with arms left the tarmac as Reagan swore in and the hostages were released. Your email address will not be published. Coincidence? Curiously, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33, in the city of Dallas. All major Rock groups seemed to feature 4. of scientist as heretics. David Koresh died at age 33 on that site. Society with satanic undertones if not outright control. 3. Texas Death Row record setter for the nation- Huntsville, Texas N. Latitude, 3. . The Director of the film Roman, Polanski had his wife Sharon Tate murdered by the Manson family who claimed to. All of this on States touched by the 33rd parallel, If the Prison riot with 33 sacrificial victim snitches was a ritual murder for, energy in the New Mexico prison riot the door is open to the possibility of, Oklahoma City being the same. That performed ritual, Murder by strangulation as an offering to Kali , the hindu goddess of death. The Killing can take place in Baghdad or EVENAbu Ghraib. . Babylon is very near the 33rd Parallel, as we reveal above; but, the current city of Baghdad is located right on the 33rd Degree Parallel. He wanted to take over the Russian embassy rather than the US and round up the. BEING IN FAVOR OF DEATH PENALTY IN 33rd STATES IS NOW A LITMUS TEST EVEN FOR LOSING , DISFAVORED OR PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES. The Memphis Mizraim are a black magic cult that are said to be active in Iraq in Baghdad in particular. Curiously, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33,in the city ofDallas. & . Anyone running for office who does not express a willingness to kill is not electable. In the northern hemisphere, the parallel in question makes its way through major US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas or the town of Roswell, an area known for its history with UFO related subjects. Edmonton, Alb., Can. Oklahoma City is located on N. Latitude 35. . To cartographers as the 33rd parallel North latitude. For The Betterment of Humanity Does this mean to better the lot of the masses or does, it mean to create a better I.E. The founding fathers and Napoleon and his brothers were Freemasons. 10. In fact the Palo Verde Reactor is the largest or most powerful reactor in the world. g) . THANKYOU FOR YOUR TIME AND ATTENTION TO THIS MATTER. Your email address will not be published. This occurred on June 29, 1963 when Pope John Paul VI assumed the papacy. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Is located just to the south of of the 33rd parallel. Relics such as the Baghdad Museum sacking on a scale unknown since the Nazis. San Juan Capistrano is the location or area made famous for the Return of the swallows. The city of Phoenix, in Arizona, a land previously occupied by the Pueblo Indians, is situated right on the 33rd Parallel and has direct access to the bloodline. For purposes of gaining control based on the edict/ the Golden Bull of Rimini. Himmlers uncle a Jesuit cleric was instrumental in achieving this goal. This date February 22 is also when the Nazis -funded by the current American, Presidents paternal grandfather Prescott Bush and great-grandfather George Herbert, Walker executed the so-called WHITE ROSE conspirators that tried to assassinate, The Term White Rose was the code for the plot to assassinate JFK. It has more power due to this. The Previously mentioned Memphis Mizraim black magic sect had the symbol of a, Decapitated man for initiation levels 9-11. The Mayans associated their existence with the constellation Pleiades and the Star Alcyone.