There is some possibility, given the erratic and illogical behavior of some of the people who testified to what happened to them, that either a mental breakdown, or some sort of suggestion, hypnosis, or mind control technology are to blame. By . North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.Canam Missing ProjectRedditYowie Hunters. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Mostly, they just managed to say something like oh my gosh, or my phone is about to go dead, or gave out unsettling noises. And even if the issue was some natural phenomenon, state of mind or mentality can affect awareness and behavioral responses. THE MISSING MAP . [1] [2] Early life and career The lack of visible damage to the bodies would in this context indicate either that the exam or procedure was neurological in nature (like an MRI scan), interrogative (interviewing the subject), or otherwise non-invasive (like a DNA swab). Hes not putting forward his theories in the books, only data. The available data that connects the water-related cases together (mainly the ones of students being found dead in water in some college cities) makes them somehow more inexplicable than the cases of people who got lost in a forest and were never found (cases in which all data is missing). I remember DP stating that the whole state of Pennsylvania was a cluster itself in one of his presentations. Not surprisingly at all, these types of things are reported by alien abductees. No one anywhere has ever seen these people enter water. In contrast, hallucinations should be much more common. They spent the day skiing without incident, and at 2 PM they were getting ready to head back to the cabin, but Danny told them he would make go retrieve his phone from his car and then catch up with them. Bigfoot and other cryptids from Appalachian mythology have come into the equation a number of times. Oh and sorry about all this, if youve ever intended to go into a forest again. Maybe its not used on or as effective for children, either because it would certainly kill them, or because their brains arent fully developed yet. Some of the cases that meet the profile criteria do hint at abduction by neither an animal, nor a human, but others do not. Or I guess you could have built up your whole infrastructure before mankind developed science, or you could be hiding in natural habitats like national forests or parks, so no construction would be needed at all. interest. This profile point doesnt sound necessarily unusual to me, since in any scenario, it has to be much more likely that a missing persons case will remain unexplained when the person disappeared while being alone and out of sight, while any intelligent perpetrator would wait for that moment. This is one of the profile points that may have a completely mundane explanation, which could be proven. Here, you could have 500 in a 1,000. What happened to Bobby Bizup? In the Daves profile, whoever the perpetrators are seem to be perfect, but no one is 100% effective. On this day everything was going smoothly, and they had spent hours digging at different spots. However, the understanding that there is such a connection between naming conventions and occurrence of a particular type of disappearance could be used as a lead to determine which places to investigate, either with priority, more thoroughly, or further back into the past. I do agree with Dave that it is safe to assume that places typically get named for a reason, especially if the name sounds ominous, like Devils, Demons, or Hells something or other. The only thing you need to make sure of is that the sample of your observations is representative. Or to put it another way, a pattern of correlations is when the same things keep happening more frequently than they should by chance, while a pattern of coincidences is when unique, extremely unlikely events keep happening in connection to a person, event, phenomenon, etc. If you couple it with the fact that dogs fail (or refuse) to track the victims in most of these cases, theres some slight amusing possibility that I personally like to call dogspiracy. These people should not be considered reliable witnesses, but they should have some witness testimonies to offer. In this light, it would only be strange if the person who felt unwell then traveled huge distance, which would be incongruous, or if the person was later found alive and healthy, but with no memory of what happened. Given that the smallest useful sample is about 100 people, it would have to be for a whole U.S. state at least, or for all national parks in a country, since the largest cluster in the Yosemite is currently in the 50s, I believe., Scan this QR code to download the app now. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Regarding this profile point, I tend to agree with a number of people who say that Dave overestimates the weirdness of people leaving essential items behind, as you can easily do that when you dont think youll be gone long or when you just have a standard brain fart. For example, the cases in which the missing died of major head trauma, of what was described as a possible propeller strike, even through a helmet or when there was no height to fall from hard enough. Im new to this after watching the documentary on Amazon. Tracking Mexico S Cartels In 2019. This is the perplexing mystery of the many hundreds of thousands of Missing 411 cases. After arriving at the Sunrise High Sierra Camp, Stacey cleaned up and decided to take a walk. With the emphasis on may. Which sort of plays into the possibility that Dave often mentions of people dying essentially of fear, like when being kidnapped and burned by what may seem like aliens, even if it were human agents. Are these missing people part of the seemingly outlandish but sickly conspiracy revolved around breeding programs of the elite to maintain their own youth, and just for general slavery purposes? The reason why amnesia always seems contrived in TV shows and movies when used more than minimally is that it is rare in real life. Its important to understand that when youre working against an intelligent adversary, they will try to use your statistical reasoning against you, not doing anything too frequently, so that you brush it all off as a mere coincidence, normal chance. Without that, we simply dont know if any of it is significant. Id wager that afternoon is the time during which forests see the highest levels of traffic. Speaking of bizarre and inexplicable, these books and documentaries describe a growing number of cases (now in the low thousands) of people going missing or being found under strange circumstances. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Then it begins to be odd. Where did Dr. Dametz go, and how could he get so far and so thoroughly avoid detection in such a short span of time when he could barely walk on his own? Of course, proving that the times and dates at which people get lost mysteriously are normal times at which theres an opportunity to get lost doesnt prove that the disappearances are entirely mundane. Put simply, this profile point is something that makes it harder to find a missing person and easier for people to get more lost. On the most basic level, it makes a lot of sense for a predator of any type or motivation to pick either easy targets (like kids, the disabled, the elderly, or less well-armed hunters), or exceptional targets (for the thrill, challenge, or some kind of interrogative or research value), so these attributes should be expected. Perhaps worth noting is the notion that the family of Derrick Henegan believes his disappearance is connected to criminal activity of which their son is a victim. One can only hope the work of many, from volunteer searchers to content creators, can answer the question. Missing And whats more, our inability to decipher and understand these strange occurrences are costing people their lives. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In the summer of 1958, a 10-year old Bobby Bizup was attending a Catholic camping retreat called Camp Saint Malo, at the Rocky Mountain National Park along with a group of other youths. Once you come across one, you know that following it will get you back to civilization within at most a day. However, they may not follow that perfectly. Obviously, bad weather happening while a person is lost should also mean higher chance of them dying of exposure, but also limit the distance that the lost person can travel. Clothing really is tricky. It is certainly an apt metaphor for the state of these individuals who have vanished. How do you keep getting bodies into water without it being seen, ever? Thats roughly a bit odd to the fourth power. While sudden arrhythmia can account for some of the Missing 411 cases, there are just too many. Given that brain damage is almost never involved even in the cases where the Missing 411 subjects were found dead, theres no good explanation for high incidence of amnesia. When all you understand couldnt have happened, it points to none of that. Of course, that says nothing about who these aliens are, only that theyre organized. At the same time, if we ignore abject cruelty, when some major injuries were identified as the cause of death, those might have been done to cover up an invasive medical procedure. At this point, I believe it is more about what direction I think should be taken in further analyzing the data. Much like it is with the other inexplicable details of the typical state in which the bodies in these cases keep being found, no identifiable cause of death theoretically is a solid profile point a positive evidence of something unusual going on. Im personally not an expert on animal behavior, but as I was told by a biochemist, nothing in biology is 100%. David Paulides, an investigator who spent 20 years of his life as a police officer, has uncovered a number of puzzling trends. Donald R. Fortson read more The topic known as the "Missing 411" is based on a series of books written by former police detective David Paulides. Read more about the individual cases by clicking on the icons above or the links in the list below. A similar Missing 411 case with a rather more sinister ending is one that happened decades before, and is perhaps not as well known. This is an updated version of our first cluster map, Updated 9/1/2018, 2020 North America Bigfoot Search (NABS) LLC. This is another strong profile point. 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Queen's Ghost, Small Lake Monster, Space Caterpillar and More Mysterious News Briefly, A Haunted Book and the Most Haunted Bookshop There Is. Sunerah Binte Kamal Education, Boas-vindas ao . So far, as far as I know, Dave made the clusters map and the table of how far away small children were found. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. A high-level analysis of patterns behind these strange disappearances. As for making this, I included the statelines of the cluster map overlayed on top of the thru trail map to show that I tried to match the scale of the map based on the statelines as best I could. If those exact statistics arent available, similar ones should exist to give us an estimate. Or that there was stasis involved. Then again, the alternatives dont exactly seem to be comforting, as they range up to Lovecraftian. Perhaps the only type of thing that Dave tends to do thats somewhat less than ideal is that in his descriptions of the cases, he sometimes omits facts that point toward more mundane explanations. The latter option seems especially plausible, since in none of the recorded calls were any of the victims able to relay any coherent, useful information., The case caught the attention of David Paulides, author of The Missing 411 books, who was intrigued because the location of the vanishing was at a place called Devils Head, which has long had a place in Native folklore as a haunted place inhabited by evil spirits, and which also strangely enough had other strange disappearances that had happened in the vicinity. But I think theres more to it than that. Even after official search efforts, as well as the efforts of family and friends, not a shred was ever found. If you simulate a physical world and you want to interfere with it without rewriting natural laws all the time, you use any fuzziness or ambiguity within them, like chaotic probability, to essentially cheat. If they differ, now, that would be interesting, especially if the difference is major. Not to sound too alien-abductiony, but some type of medical examination or procedure would make the most sense. Which sometimes happens in the Missing 411 cases, without any good reason. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. The fact that phones today double as GPS locators and that they can record both audio and video and be connected to the internet at all times makes urban disappearances of people with phones suspicious. While the particular connections and why they appear are not known, like the berry picking connection that we will examine shortly, it is its apparent randomness that makes it so crucial to understand. A home for weird ideas, future visions, and mad ramblings. Occams razor therefore says foul play. And even if the name is just related to the remoteness, more remote and hard-to-get areas would mean the most difficult search environments. When Government Agencies Secretly Work in the Field of the Supernatural and the Occult, About That Time Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Supposedly Saw Aliens on the Moon. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The latter possibility would imply that even if there werent significantly many of them within the sample in comparison to all people or all park visitors, there may be a specific, several centuries-old genetic reason or personal grudge involved. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Thats how learning works. David Paulides also noticed this recurring motif of bodies turning up in areas that rescuers had already combed thoroughly and near frequented spots. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. A map showing the disappearances in the United States. In the case Elisa Lams death, around the time of her death, NIH was using a test called LAM-ELISA in the area to deal with a tuberculosis outbreak. Whatever the case may be, people continue to go missing in the wilds, sometimes under very peculiar circumstances, and for as long as this goes on we will search for answers. And why is it on my car? This man told Paulides in no uncertain terms that they would not release the file. There are 60 Clusters of missing people identified and each name is readable. Moreover, if you could pull this off, you would want to use this technique to help someone or manipulate them without it being traceable back to you, or without it being scientifically provable that it was a communication at all. [googlemaps,-86.682129&spn=1.811428,3.4552&z=8&output=embed&w=630&h=400]. Authorities justified the delay in the discovery of his remains as an optical anomaly. Missing 411 cases are a colloquial classification that documents missing person cases that fit a number of criteria: The disappearance occurred in a national park, rural area, or large reserve of public land. In this episode straight from David Paulides' Missing 411 books, Mr.Paulides presents the . And more importantly, both Joe and Chip appear to simply vanish. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Content that is not related to Missing 411 will be removed. When he wasnt expounding upon how the Devil was coming, Dr. Dametz liked to engage in his pastime of collecting rocks, and on this day he was out in Pike National Forest, in Douglas County, Colorado, along with his friend David McSherry to go hunting for topaz. The evidence for Dave not cherry-picking is that he himself has no idea why most of the profile points are what they are, what they mean. And oh my, is there a lot of anomalous data in the world that serious scientists tend to ignore or refuse to engage with. In either of these scenarios, the result will look the same. If some sort of targeted infrasound, microwave, or EM-based device is used, I bet you can make someone feel unwell at a distance, or make them hallucinate, or start behaving irrationally. Ultimately, only an answer could quell the publics curiosity and give the relatives and friends of the victims the closure they so surely deserve. Similarly, some traits like high intelligence, excellent physical condition, or relevant expertise and preparation are inherently suspicious, even if they happen in statistically insignificant numbers. From that point of view, this profile point should always be analyzed together with other variables. It would have only taken a few minutes but he never would arrive, and after a few hours of waiting and calling his cell phone with no answer, his friends became increasingly worried. Remember, Occams razor does not exclude something I dont understand happened. **This map is covered by our copyright and cannot be replicated, placed online or in anyway copied. As I was listening to various cryptid-related podcasts and shows, I have also encountered mentions of a possible conflict raging between bigfoot and dogmen/skinwalkers. This would require for the dumping of the body to be virtually instantaneous (think teleportation), perfect optical stealth, Men in Black-like memory or perception control, etc. Many Native American tribes of the United States state that the color red is an ominous one and sure to bring bad luck. As for how useful chasing coincidences is as an intentional profile point, Dave allegedly was told that he should expect unbelievable coincidences on his quest to figure out this mystery. The map covers all 50 states and southern Canada. The Missing: Map of People who Disappeared in North Alabama | News The Missing: Map of People who Disappeared in North Alabama Posted: Jul 12, 2013 / 05:00 PM CDT Updated: Jul. Its also unusual for such high percentage of adults to remember what happened, but then not report it, to not even make anything up, which would be the only normal alternative explanation. We are continually adding names to the list as we get more data. The entire scene seemed to be one of a rushed and forced exit. The religion and military connection may also be connected to a specific cultural grudge, but what they imply to me is that maybe any targeting would be more of an issue of neurology rather than genetics. Cookie Notice After about 20 minutes of this, I started feeling physically ill and had to run out into the pouring rain to puke twice. Free shipping. That feeling of being watched intensified so much when I left the tent, I was afraid someone was going to grab me as soon as I walked out. At the same time, however, getting as many people to know and think about this is key, as it directly defeats the main objectives of the hypothetical adversary (remaining hidden and keeping potential targets unaware). Conversely, a person out to dispose of a corpse in water clearly would take that care. Although many of these Missing 411 cases demonstrate strange instances, the link to any mountain monsters is mere folk devil hearsay. Furthermore, if I understand the abstract of the U.S. study correctly, 5% of autopsy reports in the U.S. list the cause of death as undetermined, even though the real number of undeterminable deaths is much lower than that. Which are great, so please, Dave, do more of that. His work focuses on an analysis of case files acquired through the Freedom of Information Act. In case youve never heard of this series of books written by an American ex-detective David Paulides, I believe theres eight of them at the moment, plus two documentary movies. No one really knows, and Dr. Maurice Dametz remains missing without a trace. Taken all together, as I will try to explain shortly, no single normal or paranormal hypothesis explains all of the cases, meaning that either multiple are at play, or a one so crazy that no one, including Dave, has even been able to conceive of it yet. Also, in case you make a mistake and blow your cover, humans will be far less likely to torch a natural treasure to get you. Its unlikely that all such witnesses could be successfully bribed or threatened with all of the impromptu recordings being destroyed. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Yes, under these specific circumstances, things like temporal displacement start sounding more likely than dozens of searchers missing an obvious corpse dozens of times. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) See All the Announcements from Disney+ Day! Perhaps even weirder than any of these cases are those in which the person has vanished, only to reappear later unable to explain what has happened.